Indoor SOMETHING UNIQUE - Northern HOG by TH seeds - Cowboy DWC

i think you ph and ec is worn brv i would get her on and ec0.9 and ph 55-56,she well start too look better in and coulp of days iv only got my blue treacle on an ec off 0.9 and a ph off 5.9-60 on week 4.but i got my girl in coco,your doing hdyro so ph should much lower :Sharing One: Peace Kudo.jpg


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K Ill do that now. Thanks, ill update you in a few!
Day 16

Dropped the ph to 5.5 as suggested. I believe it helped a lot. I also dropped the ec. Roots are really starting to drop now...

Ive noticed the EC dropped to .7, and the ph rose to 6.2

Does this mean something? Ill bring it back to where it was?

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Anyone? I thought dropping ec and rising ph meant something?
I don't know if it mean's anything, but if you lower your ph it somtime's creep's back up. just have to keep an eye on it and adjust accordingly. she is looking better
Thanks! She is though huh. Kudo helped me ALOT. these things are finicky with PH!. And top growth is NOT root growth is what ive learned. If that makes sense. Ill go back to 5.5 and leave the ec alone. its at .8. Simply put. Bitchin.

oh im blasting her 24/7 with light. Is this ok? 18/6 better?
Strain - Northern HOG
Breeder - TH seeds
Res - 5 gal
Nute - Jungle juice AN
sup - AN
PH - 5.9
EC - 1.5
C* - 20
Age 6 days

This is going to be the start of my grow journal. It was a rough start, but it looks like she might take off any second. Until something new arises, good day!

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Good to see this strain being grown! I was gifted some Northern Hog. My crappy water killed the 2 autos i had before i knew what the problem was. I still have two photo period regs. I may plant them outdoors this spring.

I'll be following your grow! :Sharing One:
Ok so maybe I could get some criticism. Don't be shy, tell me im bad. Or on track. Either way.

So she was a slow starter. I mean slow. Still the roots are like playing just the tip with the net pot. Kinda sexy. But that's another problem for my therapist. not you.

So you've seen the last photo under hps where I was vegging it. Meh, I want to see what my led is capable of so im doing a full led start to finish at 900w.

To be honest the plant seems to like the light. But I mean look at the pic... 12 days old. Am I behind the eightball? I guess its completely strain and genetics dependant huh.

EC 1.2
PH 5.8
Jungle juice grow A+B
Voodoo juice and B52
Rapid start! Just arrived today. Someone said its actually a decent product?
love, and lots of it.

Whatcha think about that!

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Once the roots are below the pot, lower the water level to an inch or so below thew pot. It will make the plant reach for the water and the airspace is good for the roots.