Outdoor Some outdoor strain-questions.

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, everybody! :)

I am planning this years outdoor grow, and i had some questions about strains, and some other things.
I live in the southern part of Sweden, and it is about the same climate as south of Canada or north of the U.S. i think. These are big areas, but this is the best compare in climate i can make. And i have ordered three different kind of seeds. Greenhouse´s Big Bang auto, Kannabia´s Big Band auto, Dutch Passion´s Auto Blueberry. Plus that i have some regular Purple Mazar´s left from a previous grow. All of the other seeds are feminized. So i am planning on crossing all with a Purple Mazar male.

Do these strains do well in my climate? If not. What would you recommend? I don´t see why not. The summers are real hot here, but they are short. Just three months. I want one strain that produce quantity, and one that produce quality. :)

Then i had another question to. I had an idea about what i should grow in. I always grow in organic soil that comes in 10 (2 ½ gallon) liter bag. And i have seen that people grow in these bags. Can´t i just poke some holes in it and flip it over and cut a big one, then plant right in there?
What do you think of my idea? It has probably been done before, but i had to ask becouse i couldn´t find anything.

Have a good day. /H.
If you live in the southern part of Sweden there are even several photo period strains that you could grow successfully.

I'm further north than you, and all the autos I've done outdoors have produced a decent amount of bud. Best results so far with MI5 and Lowryder Purple Jems. There is a Norwegian on this forum that says he can grow any auto based on the lowryder gene pool where he lives - at 70 degrees northern latitude! So I believe those strains will perform well under your circumstances. Personally I've grown none of those particular strains, but since all autos (except for the super autos) finish within 60-90 days there shouldn't be any problem if you grow them june-aug, unless the summer is exceptionally bad - but even then you'd get some buds at least. Just remember to pre-veg them if you want the best results.

Concerning growing in the soil bags I remember reading a post at icmag (I think) of a dude that did that and said he'd never do it again. Apparently it's not a good idea. No personal experience though.
I know about that. Sad story. Anyway, I grew that strain fully unaware of the drama behind, and it grew well. Sure, you'd prefer to get that, its cheaper and you'll feel better in your heart.
Yeah, I ended up buying jems from a server fund auction right before I found them on this site.:cuss:

Soon as I balance my checkbook I'll be picking up some gear from automaticseed.net
But again I (plug the site) Digress.....

If you're crossing a regular photoperiod strain to an auto all your offspring will be regular photo plants. None of them will auto and it won't shorten up your flowering time. As mentioned MI5 and Jems are a great grow. MI5 blew me away with it's vigor, even when it got cold!
If you're crossing a regular photoperiod strain to an auto all your offspring will be regular photo plants.

False. very few would be auto.

None of them will auto and it won't shorten up your flowering time. !

Very false. In my experience ALL strains crossed to an auto will produce offspring which will be earlier than there non auto P1 line. It is not uncommon to see a couple of weeks knocked off the finish time of a photo strain by crossing to an auto or a very light sensitive strain.
well, that's your take on it. The rudi full auto trait is recessive so unless the photo you cross to has had rudi spliced into it's genes a ways back it won't be full auto at f1. I'm referring to full auto here, not just highly photosensitive. As for the second if the rudiauto crossed to the photo has a shorter flowering time it will shorten it up but all I've seen the auto trait do is shorten vege time, not flowering. The shorter flowering would be due to the flowering time of whatever the original rudi/photo cross was to make your parent auto. I could see it doing that as auto's are bread for speed and bread to shorten their flowering period as well as the added on shortened vege/rudi trait.

Phew, my tong is twisted.

Not trying to be a dick cres, I just couldn't help but notice that most highrise seeds (a great company who's awesome product is available at automaticseed.com) are crossed to highly photosensitive plants like guerrilla gold and not full auto rudi's. Just trying to clear up if you're talking about one or the other, there is a difference.
There is a whole lot more to autos then rudy...

There is GG very photo sensitive and there is gg auto. Also Mighty Mite. I have always wanted to stay far away from rudy and LR based genetics as they are known for low potency.

I have made thousands of seeds with MM,GG, EP and GG auto everytime the same outcome ... when crossed to a regular photo period strain, the offspring is much earlier. I have never made a rudy or Lr cross, because everyone else is doing that...

Keep one eye open piggy and you will see there is a whole world of autos way beyond rudy and LR based genetics.
For the op's purposes your strains would be freaking awesome. Hell, I'm going to order some when I save up some more cash. But there is an accepted distinction in the cannabis community between photosensitive strains and full auto strains that will flower under 24 hours of light, those technical terms being photosensitive and daylight neutral. Rudi crosses are daylight neutral and any photosensitive/daylight neutral cross will guaranteed 100% be photosensitive at f1 due to the recessive nature of daylight neutral genes. Furthermore I find it rather odd that you don't know more about how amazingly potent daylight neutral plants can be seeing as you share a seed bank and forum with people who dedicate themselves to breeding and growing just such plants. That sounds like someone who grew an original lowryder years ago and called it quits. If you would take the time to look at all the awesome plants on these forums whose genetic base is daylight neutral you'll see plants that hit it out of the ballpark on size, bud production, flavor, potency and medical properties. Look, all I was doing was trying to explain to the OP how genetics work on different plants for breading purposes so they didn't end up with frustrating or confusing results. I didn't want to open the can of worms that is defining "autoflowering" But hey, what do I know? I'm only a first year bio major.

You can poke both my eyes out but my mind is still open.
I have grown thousands of auto crosses. You seem to think that rudy is the only day neutral strain.

I can take my NON auto GG and cross it to anything and with proper selection I can breed an auto. I don't sell an auto strain yet because I never saw a need to sell one. I have been breeding seeds since the 80's never wanted an outdoor auto, in fact I purposely steered clear of them because outdoor there is a need for a fast good yielding plant that will finish just as fast as some of the "autos" sold here. Many of my strains will finish in 90-100 days and there not auto. I have been growing and breeding for 23years non stop. I think I got a pretty good handle on things.

Stick to your bio 101... you have much to learn, and I am more than willing to share my knowledge that comes from years of breeding and testing strains outdoors. I'm fully aware of the success of LR/rudy just choose not to use them. I have all the genes I need to breed autos. And soon I will have some non lr/rudy listed that are fully auto.

Rudi crosses are daylight neutral and any photosensitive/daylight neutral cross will guaranteed 100% be photosensitive at f1 due to the recessive nature of daylight neutral genes.
and I can guarantee you that someone here has had an auto @ f1 with a rudy cross. 100% is a large statement.
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