Well, from what I see in the pics I'd say N, perhaps Mg. Nothing else really... And I've been searching on several literatures. So I've got no clue.
If it's a nute def it's a mobile nutrient.
I think my soil is just funky. I rechecked my runoff in the plants that are having the issue. These are the ones that are in the soil with the lime added (2 Tbsp per 5 gallons). These plants tested 6.4 when I checked them when they were younger. Now they are down to 5.8. I also checked 2 plants that are almost 3 weeks old. 1 plant is in the same soil with the lime and the other is in straight OF. The one that is in the soil mix tested at 5.5. The plant in straight OF tested 4.3. I guess I'm supprised that the lime seems to be getting overpowered or it's effectiveness is fading over time. Idk? Or it just needs more maybe.
I have a hypothesis though. My plants that stunk so bad had no lime added, so the PH was way low. No mystery there. With the plants that tested 6.4 previously I started nutrients too early (week 2) and stopped nutrients when I noticed the signs of toxicity (week 3). I didn't start nutrients again until almost week 5. I was trying to wait until the plant 'tells me what it wants' but it went from greenish blue to all sorts of problems in a hurry. Maybe I waited to long and it caused all sorts of deficiencies. Couple this with the fact that the soil is dead set on being acidic and walaa. I have 1 more bag of OF but I'll test it first and see if it can hold a descent PH before I use it. I have to admit I'm supprised that this soil is so acidic. 4.3 isn't even in the ballpark. Thanks for your help.