Indoor Sniper visits Melmac

here they are




  • Alf#3 1.4.jpeg
    Alf#3 1.4.jpeg
    141.9 KB · Views: 102
DAAaamnn!! :pimp: It looks like a bowl of fancy salad from above!! You are feeding the need, bro'- :thumbs: A fine start to what's going to be quite the scrum in few weeks!... and until the bollocks boys get yanked out- LOL! They all look great Sniper, super healthy,... who else you got riding shotgun in there? :brow:
thanks waira the bit and pieces are starting to show nothing definitive yet

there's a couple Russian dragon males in the tent and 1 Russian female gotta make some seeds as the Russian is my favorite dragon and they are endangered
then there's a berry ryder in my first airpot grow that's going north finally
there's a 3month old sour cream photo that i started 12/12 and flipped back to 20/4 just sniped alot off cause my kitty wanted a salad so i try'd cloning took 4 cuttings 2 i trim'd the leafs a bit scraped the bark and stuck in a cup of moist promix bx 2 others i only scraped the bark and put in their own cups the trim'd ones are perk still and the untrim'd are perk when lights come on then get a little droopy as the hours go by they are still alive that's the important thing didn't use any hormones its my first try so might as well keep it simple :D: what didn't get used was turned to poop by me kitty who also got hold of a couple leafs on a Russian male and she even tasted an alf while i was not paying attention with the tent open

temps are up from 70-78F to 82-86F lights on and off they are the same 50-60F from changing from the 240 blackstar to the 400 digilux hps with the added blue spectrum
thanks swampy and diablow
cam was charged so snapped a pic


pic was taken before i gave them a once over 2 males were cut off at the dirt level



  • Alf#3 1.5.jpeg
    Alf#3 1.5.jpeg
    144.7 KB · Views: 85
Dude have u seen How big some.people.are.pumpimg the BR
TRUELY was delicious in CoCo and that Seaweed stuff
I one of those again but i need more light and a Better Hiding Spot lol
yeah ive seen a few of um mine has some New growth and it starting to go vertical slowly but it is growing just hope i didn't stunt it to bad best thing ive done this grow was put the hps back in

hopefully by the end of next week all the ALF'S will be sex'd and only the ladys will remain bet i give them a shot of full strength seagrow and they will almost show over night
:gthumb: Looking good sniper.

:peace: in a bucket