Indoor Sniper visits Melmac

... Guten nochte mein ancestral countrymen! :tiphat: Mom's side traces to Bavaria, I believe,... but the other half is Japanese- LOL! -pretty remarkable, considering my folks got married not too long after WW2! Dad was born in CA farm country though,...
:smoke:...yeah, I was gonna ask about how BR was coming along! ...Sounds like she's just your stein of beer my friend! Still working that stanky old pipe, huh?...I got one too, but it's for stealth uses only these days,... Sniper, why don't you get a nice small bong,..or other fine tobaccy smokin' product? shipping issues?
....:brow: I thought Santa already had an order for that AA12(?) "pest" vaporizer!
...I like the pic you posted here better, shows more sweet sweet bud... the other is a great shot of her bones,....

i have a killer brand bong acrylic with a glass stem and bowl and my pipe Is a lever glass


but i like a good doobie

the nugs are still a bit damp no real smell in the jar but the dry buds i been choppin up smell wonderfully berry good but the buds all have a brown tint coming in from the trichs when they are done ill show ya



  • lever.jpeg
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bodacious, beautiful, bountyful, brilliant, berry bud's:kusht:could not smack ya today, got that messege. to spread the fert's.
and for all us native americans.............."white man build smokey fire":smokebuds::hug:and in order to lay claim to any federal fund's you have to be at least 1/4 native, i come at an 1/8 so no soup for me!
Yup, I'm an eighth'er too... but hey...pass that peace pipe, CHief Wannahokalugee!!! You know those old stanky pipes are the best kind! Awesome crop there, Boss!
That's a sweet ass pipe Snipe Lever does some of the finest glass work I have ever laid eyes on I would love to smoke from one hell it would be an honor to have one. As to BOM you have my vote brother kick ass job.:slap:
mornin astro tex jayp :group:

jayp that pipe is clear with red and black lines. the black ones blend in when ya get it good and dirty :grin: never know when the next dry patch will hit so gotta keep a stash of poor mans hash just incase

Many a night with black fingers scraping for gold!
good morning brother's in arm's:coffee2:this is my lever glass, and what it is used for.:grin:DSC_1263.jpgsame as brother sniper.
I think all us Appy Children have Native blood or Melungeon Blood... The lady just found out she was Appalachian Melungeon..

I got the Melungeon blood from my moms side. :smokebuds:
Dry Weight and Pics
ill have to check but i think i topped my record by just about a gram lol but i topped it none the less

in the pics 50 some grams + the 16-17 grams i speedy dryed and smoked already i have exact numbers but id have to look

total was 75.89 grams dry
