Harvest & Curing Smelly mason jars

Thanks for the replies guys.
The Bell jars - unfortunately the only option of buying them where I am is a whole crate, which is too expensive :(

That is strange though because I bought them as brand new and tbh they don't look like they have ever been used..
I would just buy different ones, but I don't want to end up in the same situation

I wouldn't expect there would be a problem with new ones unless perhaps they have been sitting on the shelf for along time. You should be able to buy just the lids without buying new jars. That's the idea behind them. We do canning of fruits and veggies so reuse the jars and rings all the time. But we do replace the lids every time to ensure a good seal. I assume you are tightening them up good?
I assume you are tightening them up good?

Yeah Muddy I just went and re-checked the seals and lids - they seem to be fitting up really snug now. To be honest when I re-closed them there isn't much of a smell at all escaping from around the lid - maybe the initial jarring caused some sort of a smell explosion - I don't know at this point lol!
On another note, the hay smell is starting to turn to lemony candy - wonderful. Like a lemonade smell :drool:
(this is auto Blue Mystic)

Still if anyone has any recommendations of plain jars that hold smell/air really well - please share :)
Lots of hugs :hug:
Yeah you should just be able to get new metal bands and lids and be good :) those are cheap.
If in uk wilkos is the place( there selling them off) I just picked up 6 kilner jars from baby size to the big daddys all half price works out 1 sqiud for the baby jars to 2 squid for the daddy sizes
Hope this helps
You can also buy the rubber seals 50p each and there is NO smell belive me my outlaws can smell green at 1000 yards (ex bacca smokers and ex smokes are the worst for smelling smoke)
But with theses babys i can put it right under there noses and its all good
Happy days ;-)
If in uk wilkos is the place( there selling them off) I just picked up 6 kilner jars from baby size to the big daddys all half price works out 1 sqiud for the baby jars to 2 squid for the daddy sizes
Hope this helps
You can also buy the rubber seals 50p each and there is NO smell belive me my outlaws can smell green at 1000 yards (ex bacca smokers and ex smokes are the worst for smelling smoke)
But with theses babys i can put it right under there noses and its all good
Happy days ;-)

Hey thanks for stopping by and sharing this :)
Wilko definitely does have a lot of jars, why did I not find them in the first place
Kilner you mean the original ones or the twist-top ones? It would be great if it would be the twist-top since the original are only one-use (I think?).
For anyone interested, the jars still smell, I don't know why since I even put a saran wrap under the lid and the seal seems tight but still it smells is it possible there are tiny holes in the glass itself? I don't know anymore anyways I am going to buy new ones but such a shame
Thanks for the suggestion green fingers :)

Iv never had problems they are the snaplock ones with the orange rubber seal maybe you can replace the rubber might help
Another thought cling film over jar top then snap lid shut???
Or a bucket with duck tape stored in loft away from eyes and noses???
Hey green read what I wrote xD literally done just all those - cling film between the seal and the jars are now stored in a 20l plastic bucket that is apparently airtight since nothing is getting out (how ironic, that a simple bucket does the trick and I am struggling with 'airtight' jars)

If it's the ones with the clip lid and seal I will give them a try, thanks :) All the best!