Harvest & Curing Smelly mason jars

Aug 21, 2014
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Hi there :tiphat:

I recently put my harvest away in 1l mason jars I bought from the local store for curing, but the smell is really strong even when they are closed. I inspected the lids and seals - everything is brand new and looks ok. For now I have no other option but to store the jars in a sealed bucket, but I'm getting the feel it's not supposed to be like this :dunno:

Are mason jars supposed to be airtight and smellproof? Should I buy new ones and if so, how do I know which ones are good? Are there any you can recommend? I am in the UK at the moment.

Thank you :)
They shouldn't smell on the outside. Granted, if you rub the outside with the buds there may be a little smell but not what you seem to be referring to. I purchase Ball, but they are about the same as Mason. There should be a thin rubber seal around your lid. Honestly, if they are food grade, like what is being used for canning they should be absolutely air tight. If they aren't I would take them back and be under the assumption there was a bad batch of jars or lids.
I would have assumed they are air-tight but never used them before myself. I would use air tight 20L buckets myself :)
If the mason jars in the UK are the same as the ones here in the US you should be able to buy replacement lids. Mason jars are usually 3 parts, the jar, the threaded ring and the lid. The jars and rings can be reused but the lids should be replace from time to time. I suspect the lid might be old and not sealing well anymore.
I had this same problem with a few of my Jars.

Just as Muddy stated the lids can get old and the seal kinda dry rots after use and being washed from time to time.

Bought new lids and problem was solved.

I also noticed the jars that were stinking were also drying out the boveda 62 alot faster then other jars from tiny air leak.
Is the smell maybe on the outside of the jar from your hands when you filled them...?

Dissolve some bicarbonate of soda in warm water..wash the outside of the jars..dry and replace in your storage bucket.

Also add a little open dish of baking soda in your storage bucket and it will absorb any smells.

They use it in fridges to absorb smells too...:tiphat:
Thanks for the replies guys.
The Bell jars - unfortunately the only option of buying them where I am is a whole crate, which is too expensive :(

If the mason jars in the UK are the same as the ones here in the US you should be able to buy replacement lids. Mason jars are usually 3 parts, the jar, the threaded ring and the lid. The jars and rings can be reused but the lids should be replace from time to time. I suspect the lid might be old and not sealing well anymore.

That is strange though because I bought them as brand new and tbh they don't look like they have ever been used..
I would just buy different ones, but I don't want to end up in the same situation
Is the smell maybe on the outside of the jar from your hands when you filled them...?

Dissolve some bicarbonate of soda in warm water..wash the outside of the jars..dry and replace in your storage bucket.

Also add a little open dish of baking soda in your storage bucket and it will absorb any smells.

They use it in fridges to absorb smells too...:tiphat:

Thanks, I thought this but the jars are already washed and also the smell is just very strong, way stronger than you would expect from a bit of sticky finger touching :(

(sorry for double post)
Try with the centre disc flipped the other way ?