Outdoor small Think Different, Magnum, and Sweet Tooth Auto grow

Feb 26, 2014
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I got my seeds from attitude.
Seed Pack fronts.jpg

I started 3 TD, Magnum, and ST on 5/10
Seeds Starting.jpg

Theyre in a mix of 1 part fox farm happy frog, 1 part fox farm ocean forest, 1 part coco, and 1/2 part perlite. i threw about 10 pounds of worm casings in, mixed it all together, then filled pots. TD and Magnum are in 10 gallon pots. ST is in 7 gallon pots.

One of the Magnums got a small taproot but never came above ground. It was nice for a few days after i put them in soil, but 3 nights got down into the high 30s-low 40s. I put them in my garage to try to help but I think they got stunted a little bit.

these pics are from 5/31
Magnum.jpg Sweet Tooth.jpg Think Different.jpg

All plants have been treated the same. I gave them about a tablespoon each of advanced nutrients heavy harvest spring blend about a week ago. I figured it would be running out when theyre starting to flower. The Magnums are the smallest and have been that way from the start. Does anyone have any experience with Magnum? Are they finicky? I havent really grown any autos before and any advise would be appreciated. Do i measure their life from when the seeds popped or when they came above the soil? About how many weeks does it take before they start to flower?

More pics to come
Way to cold man. thats almost freezing temperatures! im no expert but id guess that cold of a temp with such small plants is almost garunteed to stunt them big time. someone may correct me if im wrong. just an educated guess. maybe you have a space heater you can plug in outside aiming at the plants during the night?

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maybe too much on the nutes too? i dont use advanced nutes but heavy harvest sounds like a flowering nutrient and your little girls arent flowering. id bring em inside if you can set em by a window till you figure out the cause
The temps are fine now. I started them because it was getting nice. Then a few days after i put them in soil it got cold at night for a few nights. They are growing pretty good now but im sure they would be a little bigger if the temps didnt get so cold.

Heavy harvest is just the name of the line of nutes. Its time release, lasts about a month. its the spring blend for veg. I cant remember the exact numbers but its around 22-5-5.
You might be too strong on the nutes for young plants. I think I have made the same problem. I have some plants that have been out in nice conditions for about 2 weeks now and are showing very little growth. I mixed in several lbs of organic fertilizers in each hole, in the ground and Im thinking I shouldnt have... Im going to flush them heavily soon and hope to see some real growth before its too late. :(
I got my seeds from attitude.
View attachment 357026

I started 3 TD, Magnum, and ST on 5/10
View attachment 357029

Theyre in a mix of 1 part fox farm happy frog, 1 part fox farm ocean forest, 1 part coco, and 1/2 part perlite. i threw about 10 pounds of worm casings in, mixed it all together, then filled pots. TD and Magnum are in 10 gallon pots. ST is in 7 gallon pots.

One of the Magnums got a small taproot but never came above ground. It was nice for a few days after i put them in soil, but 3 nights got down into the high 30s-low 40s. I put them in my garage to try to help but I think they got stunted a little bit.

these pics are from 5/31
View attachment 357041 View attachment 357045 View attachment 357053

All plants have been treated the same. I gave them about a tablespoon each of advanced nutrients heavy harvest spring blend about a week ago. I figured it would be running out when theyre starting to flower. The Magnums are the smallest and have been that way from the start. Does anyone have any experience with Magnum? Are they finicky? I havent really grown any autos before and any advise would be appreciated. Do i measure their life from when the seeds popped or when they came above the soil? About how many weeks does it take before they start to flower?

More pics to come

Looking good man, autos will show sex between between weeks 2 and 4. This thread helped alot my first grow a short while ago.


Most people count days from the time she pops through the soil. Also autos will typically grow slower outdoors from what I hear, just started mine.

Your gonna love that sweet tooth auto, beauty smoke, I lost my grow virginity to her. Got two outside guerrilla styles right now sharing a 5 gallon pot.

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Not sure where you are located (and don't need to know) but my farmers almanac says mid may is good to go outside around here, well, no lol. Early-mid june is better and if you have nice days on your days off it's good to put them outside for a bit to harden off and get used to the sun a bit. I've only ever grown photos though and they've seen some cold nights in the early part of the season but they also have all summer to bounce back and it never seems to affect them too terribly. It may be different for an auto though.
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They came above soil on 5/12 - 5/13. So they are about 3 weeks old now. Ill post some pics when I get home from work later.

That link was very helpful. Thank you for linking it gilly.
these pics were taken this morning.


Think Different
Think Different.jpg

Sweet Tooth Auto
Sweet Tooth.jpg


ill post more pics in a few days
Hey IBG, mine are very simlar to yours, but in the ground. It could be a soil temp issue keeping mine small. It still gets into the 50's and even 40's at night here. Thinking with autos, better to wait and plant later compared to photos. I hope that the cool weather slows down their maturation rate also, allowing them to gain some size still once things warm up.
Looking great I am growing think different magnum and a array of sweet seeds auto in north eastern Ontario mine looked just like yours and are now taking off with vigour. I feed at half strength every seven days I will amp up the nutirients as they get bigger I hope the best for you my fellow outdoor grower. PEACE AN POT