Indoor Slaters Loft - The 2017 'Get some from your mother' tour

It starts 12am on 30th of June,which means if your stateside,you'll get a head start on us brits...unless you stay up till midnight and do the ordering.
im usually up at midnight so no worries there wanna get mine in early and try and scoop up some sour hound x NCH as a freebie
will still be playing xbox... awesome
I'm normally in bed sleeping by that time,but I might stay up and Oder at midnight...I got a bad feeling the strains I want could have sold out by the time I get up.also got a feeling that mephisto website might crash due to high volumes of people ordering :shooty:
im usually up at midnight so no worries there wanna get mine in early and try and scoop up some sour hound x NCH as a freebie
I hear ya on the sour houndXNCH....wouldn't mind some white crack aswell,and I'm sure they said they might chuck a few other strains in for the freebies.
I hear ya on the sour houndXNCH....wouldn't mind some white crack aswell,and I'm sure they said they might chuck a few other strains in for the freebies.
yea if there is a option to leave a note with the order il ask for a mix try get a bit of everyting as freebies all abored the hype train whoop whoop :d5::pass:
yea if there is a option to leave a note with the order il ask for a mix try get a bit of everyting as freebies all abored the hype train whoop whoop :d5::pass:
That's my plan too,try and mix up the freebies abit.depends what other freebies they might announce yet,I wouldn't mind grabbing some manbearalienpig too :bighug:
I wouldn't mind grabbing some manbearalienpig too

Thinking the same for my self, just for the name. And to see my mates face when I tell them what they are smoking... they are gonna be asking me are you alright, what have you been smoking mate.

Thinking the same for my self, just for the name. And to see my mates face when I tell them what they are smoking... they are gonna be asking me are you alright, what have you been smoking mate.

Then you point to what they're now smoking.

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
Up date from the loft garden...

New line up to the "Get Some From Your Mother" tour with a last minute special guest...
Well I had one of those classic doh ! moments... popping the 3 Blueberry beans into the plugs and one just wants to be free and made a break for it. Needless to say the bugger got away. A search party was put together armed with cob led's and sent out on the expedition but to no avail...
so we gave up and popped a Mephisto :headbang: ...

Welcome to the stage.... Alien Vs triangle


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