Photoperiod Slaters Garden...


Amnesia by seedstockers

The Floganics test
... day 1

Time to get this test under way,

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Placed the 1:5 mix into the bottom half of the pot and got lucky I must of mixed more than I thought so I found I've got enough now for 2 pots, bonus.

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The 1:20 mix then went in and we made our holes for the girls.

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Great stuff this, always seems to help when transplanting... The lady's hole's got a lite dusting... sorry
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In the lady's go... I chose the best 2 from a pack of 7 that I have popped. Choosing the 2 with the best structure and vigor to them. Once in the pots I gave them a lite watering.,

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And we have found just enough room in the veg tent to get used to our new shoes. On the right you can see their sisters in the 1ltr pots, I will give the Floganic pots a few days head start over the others to help the transition from feeding in the flood and drain to soil... I can report 24hrs later that every one is super happy

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Check back in few days and we should be in our new home

Happy Tuesday from the garden and...

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Looking lush in there bud :d5:
So the Flo/soil mix was in the bags for 4 weeks?!?! Oh man... i remember that i told you only 1 week, 4 weeks the soil mix will have more than 4 times the power/action in it and plants should get heavily burned, if it works anyway, interesting to see how fast it will be...
So the Flo/soil mix was in the bags for 4 weeks?!?! Oh man... i remember that i told you only 1 week, 4 weeks the soil mix will have more than 4 times the power/action in it and plants should get heavily burned, if it works anyway, interesting to see how fast it will be...
His plants are good and big maybe they will be able to cope with the extra nutes we will find out I just put my bags yesterday
thanks dude... just been having a chat with dutch passion tony, sound like that keeper of mine from the Maples could be the rare White Skunk phenotype. Better be growing that again real soon.
ooo now whats a white skunk a cross or just a extremly frosty skunk
So the Flo/soil mix was in the bags for 4 weeks?!?! Oh man... i remember that i told you only 1 week, 4 weeks the soil mix will have more than 4 times the power/action in it and plants should get heavily burned, if it works anyway, interesting to see how fast it will be...

ooops... no worry's but its more like 2 and a bit weeks, like stoney said they are over 6 weeks old now with good a root mass (should have got a pic)... I've just check on them and its all go praying to the light, showing no issue's and are looking like they are settling in nicely.
Up Date from the Garden

Floganics Test

Time to get this test underway, this will be my first super soil / amendment soil grow... I used to grow in soil with organic nutes so I think I got the feel for this

Test out line -
I did think of doing this test with clones and really it should be but my garden timing determines the running order and what come next so we are growing from seed for this round.
So what am I going to test then, I did think about looking at how it performs against a coco grow but coco has so many advantages over soil (veg time being one of the biggest factors) so I don't think it would be a fair test on plant size or even yield. I'm not saying coco is better its just that coco growing is a form of hydroponics and we all know how hydro can grow monsters very quickly.
So the main focus of this test will be over the ease of floganics over my coco grow set up- Like How much time does it take up and how fussy is it to grow with. Is it the answer to just watering and walking away. Basically how much of a bother is it over my coco grow set up.
The other focus i would like to look at is its terps and taste at the end. I know its going to be flawed test from the start due to not using clones but I want to see if I can tell any difference between my slat grown plants and the floganics... its the one argument the organic lot like throw at us slat chuckers, that it tastes better... my personal opinion on that is its all perspective. In a true blind taste test I bet most couldn't tell the difference between a very well grown slat grow over and an organic grow... but if we was talking sun grown then we might have an argument but that's not what this is about.

So lets introduce the test subjects - Amnesia by Seed Stockers (my new no.01 for feminized seeds)... can't go wrong with these breeders, solid, stable and very potent with amazing yields. This is my 4th grow (3rd strain) with them. So you are in for a treat lady's and gentlemen if you have not had the pleasure of a seedstockers grow.

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So what has seed stockers got to say about this strain -

Seed Stockers Amnesia is a timeless classic, selected for extreme potency this is a variety you will want to grow again and again. This pure-bred Haze variety has a famously strong smoke (typically 23%-24% THC) and is not recommended for inexperienced smokers. The high is psychedelic and long lasting, for some it is also a devastatingly potent variety which creates genuine Amnesia (memory loss) for the smoker while they are high. Harvest quantities are above average, but most repeat growers choose Amnesia for the sheer strength of the smoke. The Seedstockers version of Amnesia was bred using the original Amnesia genetics from the south of Holland in a 3-way cross with Outlaw Amnesia and Super Silver Haze from Amsterdam. The result is a very commercially attractive original Haze strain.

Sounds good doesn't it... I do love the bit about genuine amnesia, that's why I got them.

Right back to the soil... I shall be using biobizz light to mix the floganics into and will be making up just enough for one 12ltr pot

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I have followed @TheMongol instructions to the letter on how to mix, here they are -

I used a liter jug to measure out my amounts into large container

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Mixed well by hand and added just shy of 500ml of RO water to each mix... I was very conservative here with the water, @TheMongol was very insistent on that part of the instructions.

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I then placed each mix into bags an used reusable cable ties to label them

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It has now been placed into the only space left in the garden for a couple of weeks.

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This test is going to take some time, we have a minimum of 4 weeks before they can go into the main tent so please hang around for the show...
But in the mean time to satisfy some bud porn addiction here are my Maple Sherbet x Pre 98 Skunk by seed stockers on there final few days... Think they will be coming down tomorrow.

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And just to prove I haven't given up on auto's here is a Girls Scout Cookie by fastbuds taking up space in my veg tent (don't ask me what week we are on, I like to use the force when growing auto's)... she is in 5ltr pot and has been stunted on purpose to fill that pot size and space she's in.
I'm loving growing auto's this way, no larf just bud till the cow's come home... I was just shy of 3oz on one plant growing this way.

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Thanks for stopping by, take care, be safe and

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It was the 17th april and tomorrow it´s 16th may, my counts is 1 month, well we´ll see next weeks, i bet next week they´ll start torch from the bottom to the top, maybe stop after 2/3 and if they would do it they would take weeks to switch from normal soil to Flo mix, first you´ll see no further grow, because they´re irritated by the superaction at their new bottom ground, but natural beeing growth forces em to hit their roots into the Flo mix and then surprise we´ll see...
His plants are good and big maybe they will be able to cope with the extra nutes we will find out I just put my bags yesterday
Hope you did it the right way and you will be earning the best results you ever had, don´t know if i was misspelling or bad english, but i know what i wrote and it´s also on the flyers, but everybody seems to know better adding something what is not told to add, Free Flow added root juice, budelee added root organic and ryker also wanted to add something, otherwise i wouldn´t have wrote that Flo is a in his self balanced all in one product....