Live Stoner Chat Slater is back

Hi Slater and welcome back :smoking:
Thank you @xmasit good to be back. All feeling super good about it.
Passing the doob along
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@Slater man oh boy!:bighug:
So glad your back and you also kept growing, Hipp-Hipp_hurray mate!

@TheMongol my man!

Good to see you sir. Yep I'm still fighting hard for this plant. To be honest the garden is what has kept me from going under in thee dark times. Now down the rabbit hole of making seeds which of course I'm up for sharing with my AFN brethren.

It good to be back
I've already said hello in the live thread but it may be better to start re Introduction thread.

Hi I'm Slater, I was quite an active member up about two half years ago but I left for personal resons and now I'm back and ready to jump back on into AFN with a brand new grow room.

So where have I been. I've been diagnosed with PTSD and depression. I ran away from all social media and freinds so please AFN you did nothing wrong, no one up set me, you are not a fault. Just my mental state.
Now I no what's wrong with me I've been trying climb out of this hole and to emerge into the light. I still feel I have long way to go but it going in ghe right direction.

Thank you Jordan for reaching out, that ment a hell of a lot.
So I'm reaching back out to my AFN family, dusting the old threads off and getting a grow journal up and running or is it blogs now

So what new in the Slater grow, I will keep it brief.
New main flowering space, about 8x5 in size. Dark Ghost Train on the left and my fav keeper Sour G on the right.
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The new veg room, better be getting an auto on the go.View attachment 1476091

This is my RnD, flood and drain... these are heirloom seed by Afghan selection, Mazar
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And some bud porn to keep you got going, Sour G.View attachment 1476093
Hey nice to meet you!!! I'm glad your back... Even though I don't know you... I've been in your shoes.. so I know how it is to distance yourself... I just wanted to say keep your head up.... And nice setup... Looks like you know what your doing ... I just started in Feb... New and learning... And afn has gave me so much information and help ... This place rocks.... :peace::greenthumb:
Hey nice to meet you!!! I'm glad your back... Even though I don't know you... I've been in your shoes.. so I know how it is to distance yourself... I just wanted to say keep your head up.... And nice setup... Looks like you know what your doing ... I just started in Feb... New and learning... And afn has gave me so much information and help ... This place rocks.... :peace::greenthumb:
Thank you @Tattoochase things are definitely on the up, the diagnosis was the big thing. Now I know what wrong it's becoming easier to face it
Need any help just tag me and I will do my best to help.
Nice to me you, passing the doob
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Welcome back @Slater was worried as a lot of names disappeared during Covid and some never returned. Nice setup you have there. You’ve missed some things around here… but sure you’ll catch up soon!

Hey @Jpkindbud it great to be back. I didn't realise how much I'd missed AFN. It massively improved my mood these past couple of weeks.
Still working out what's changed and seeing who's still about.
Passing the doob my friend
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Hey @Jpkindbud it great to be back. I didn't realise how much I'd missed AFN. It massively improved my mood these past couple of weeks.
Still working out what's changed and seeing who's still about.
Passing the doob my friend
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Is that cannabis? I’ve heard about it… sure, I’ll try a little pufffffffffffffffff Lol