Dutch Passion Si's Dutch Passion Grow

Day 19 babies

So i had to take care of the littles ones agian today they have gone through 2L between the 3 since yesterday there on 3ml grow and 3ml heaven with 2ml Alg a mic per litre. All 3 are of equal size this run round and growing well..I also snapped a couple of the big girls while i was there:D

Think Differants

Big Girls
Sorry about the pic quality hands shaky today :group::group:
From your description bro I would take her, she's going to be a heavy stone mate, nice. Plus your other plants will love you for it, especially them TD :D
Im on hold now till at least next thursday we got the landlords builders in for a couple of days to do the plastering lmao just been looking a bit more at her tonight and theres alot of new pistil in the lower buds but none near the top:D
Is that a dog choker chain holding up the light LOL?
It is indeed Doobie if a dog carnt snap them My expensive Modules wont either :dance::dance: and there cheap as chips:thumbs:

That is picture perfect dude.
What a fine girl she turned out t'be :D

