Duck Commander
Bio-Bizz Organics
Thx for the like bomb broBOOM!!! enjoy that bomb :smoke:
Right first things first im bookmarking this thread cause its the schnizz !!
Secondly im going to get cal/mag , Alg-a-mix & Heaven to add to the rest
it took a while to get to page 30 but ive learnt a lot along the way so :thumbs:
but ive also got a couple of Q?s :dance2:
You use tap water yeah ? do you leave it bubble to evap chlorine ....??
Whats the pH before you add nutes to the water then what after ? (roughly)
then whats the pH going in and whats the run off ph (again roughly ????)
sorry for wreckin your head about this but im a weirdo that cant leave sh!t
alone til ive completely understand it if you know what i mean:hot:
oh and glad to see u've labeled these this time :check:
Keep Rockin IT :head:

Yes i use tap water but i just leave it for 48 hrs to vape chlorine.
waters PH before nutes is around 7.3 after adding the nutes it drops to 5.2 then once added to my soil the run off is around 5.9-6.5 It realy doent bother me the run off as i dont check it that often.. If you are concernd about low run of then just add some garden lime to the top of your soil (takes a week or so to work) and it will keep it up dont worry about it going high as ive never herd of it happening:thumbs::five: