Dutch Passion Si's Dutch Passion Grow

Day 16

so here we are at day 16 both ABB's have shown sex but still nothing from the TD is this normal and how are they looking?:peace: Si
ABBday16 (4).jpgABBday16 (3).jpgABBday16 (2).jpgABBday16 (1).jpg

TD day16 (1).jpgTD day16 (2).jpgTD day16 (3).jpg

Group Shot
Exellent Si there lookin mint :peace:

Ps , any you guys seen a thread where the person puts tight's (pantyhose) around there air-pots as were trying to find it , if curious go to groff's perpetual grow diary but were trying to find the original thread, cheers guys :peace:
Looking spot on Si. My TD showed sex around day 26
TD should show in next few days si, no worries...:group:
Looking sweet..
sweet Duggy cheers bro:thumbs:

Exellent Si there lookin mint :peace:

Ps , any you guys seen a thread where the person puts tight's (pantyhose) around there air-pots as were trying to find it , if curious go to groff's perpetual grow diary but were trying to find the original thread, cheers guys :peace:
thxs mate and nope not seeen a thread like tht:no:

Looking spot on Si. My TD showed sex around day 26
still a while to go then for me its gona be a monster before it shows lol