Lighting Simulating .... Moonlight !! Anyone ever tried it ? (75w bulbs!)

Moonrise here was an hour ago... gotta wait for it to get above the trees... or if I can find a line of sight position... its shitty caus the moons at 28 degrees from the horizon... anyway I'm still on track to get a spectrograph of the moon at my latitude. I'll letcha guys know when it's up.
Small amounts of uvb are thought to induce a stress reaction in the plant to grow more uv blocking trichomes, thereby increasing resin production, but that's outside the scope of this thread. Cali light works includes supplemental uvb t8 lights to this effect... once again though a might bit off topic.

Off topic or not.. I would like to know more about this subject. You seem to have a grasp on it. It's obvious that you have thought deeply on this topic.
"This lanthorn doth the horned moon present.
Myself the man i' th' moon do seem to be–"

Little bit o shakespeare comin' at ya! Anyway, it was around 10*f and 3 o clock in the morning by the time the moon rose above the pine trees and tonight it's gunna be an hour later to the same spot. I'll have an early morning opportunity in a few days time as it shifts about an hour later each day. It's a pita just to get a look at the moon sometimes... I can't imagine there are many critical reactions that take place as a direct result of moon light. But at the very least we can get some sound data out of this. Just a lil bit of waiting first.
I have two composite images of the moon and it's spectral profile at my latitude. Enjoy. The white blur is the visible moon and the different colors were broken up by a diffractive grating. If you still want to simulate moonlight, these are your constituent wavelengths responsible for the color of the light - the intensity varies based on meteorological and astronomical phenomena. I'm not going to try to simulate those, lest my head explode, but have fun with the moon while it lasts.


That's what all the plants outside my house are getting for PAR right now, but it's dim with regards to the amount of sunlight they get during the day... just saying.
Niiiice one grado!

Now we only need someone with an accurate par meter to give us some data :bong:

Its a cool idea or the future though!
Niiiice one grado!

Now we only need someone with an accurate par meter to give us some data :bong:

Its a cool idea or the future though!

Nah - you just need to suss out the cooresponding wavelengths from the colors represented on the diffractive grating, then reproduce those with either LED's or a special phosphorous cocktail in a CFL to produce the exact wavelengths of light that solar energy bouncing off the lunar surface would be - then you have to hide it behind trees or clouds and block most of the uv as the atmosphere would and only reveal it partially according to the lunar cycle. Then you will have accurately reproduced moonlight for indoor plants.
... and lets not neglect an artificial gravity suppressing apparatus to simulate the moon's gravitational pull.

now THAT would be the shitz !! :rofl:

This would be a nice place to start the project...

View attachment 198110
... and lets not neglect an artificial gravity suppressing apparatus to simulate the moon's gravitational pull.

now THAT would be the shitz !! :rofl:

This would be a nice place to start the project...

View attachment 198110

Groff, just cause somethings not visible doesn't mean gravity can't affect it... i.e. just cause the plants are inside doesn't mean they're cut off from the gravitational pull of the moon. We don't have to reproduce that as it's already present in natural quantities, indoors or out.
grado, I was absolutely joking there! I've yet to float to the roof while indoors... :smokebuds: