Indoor simple soil question

Just for the sake of general interest--old time growers (me too when I want to act like I know what I am doing ) and farmers refer to 'sour soil' as acidic soil and 'sweet soil' as alkaline based soil. In the Golden Triangle the Opium farmers search out 'sweet' soil by taste. I am sure others on the forum have more tidbits. As a child I was rather fond of soil tasting these days less so .
You're right. I wasn't really using "sour" as an agricultural term. Soil can "sour" just like milk does, and that's kinda what I meant.

Woah joe no need to get offended bro i wasnt tryin to say u was wrong.
You didn't offend me. Maybe you weren't paying any attention to what you were typing, I don't know...

Joe Dirt said:
...I place a layer of my seedling mix on top of my growing medium.

L3V3R2ooo (winner of BOM with a number of other nominations):
That's what I do too Joe.

The you said:
I dont think its a good idea to do layers of differnt soil.

...what's the difference between that sequence and saying "we were wrong"...

I'm not offended, upset, or anything of the sort. But, a fairly new grower came in asking for advice and your contribution could only have served to confuse them... that's where the problem came in. We encourage as much factual input as is available, even if there are differences of opinion, but anyone offering advice should be able to back it up with facts or defer to those who can.

Again, I'm not angry. I only made an issue of this at all to avoid confusion on the part of the thread starter, and because you denied doing what you very clearly did do. It would be nice to see you accept responsibility for what you typed instead of denying it, but that's not related to my credibility... not my problem. :peace:
Ahh i hate drama i didnt mean for it to come as that joe but ur right as i was wrong i went back and read through the thread and i miss understood what was goin on n the first place i was stoned scrolling through n as high as i was probably shouldnt have chimed in. I was talkin about having hotspots in the soil in witch i know is right not to have so mixxing better is good for dealing with that when u mix ur own soil i didnt realize u were speakin of just puttin a light mix on top for the seeds to startin till the roots were big enough to hit the good stuff thats a little lower as i actualy do that on outdoor plants. I was wrong by misunderstanding and i admit that but i in no way said yall was wrong. I said i think as i was not thinkin right at that moment. Sorry out tyat joe i had only skimmed through the thread i guess i should wait till im thinkin straight and read the whole thread next time. But i wasnt telln n e one they was wrong or to go to another site as i dont even visit other forums hardly much as i dont care for the drama ppl put on other forums n afn has always seemed pretty clean cut so my apoligies for speakin out of line. I just would have kept this whole convo between us in a pm to keep tye drama from afn also but i felt i had to make it clear i was wrong here n to partialy defend myself on the part of sending people to another site and sayin ur were wrong by my comment. I guess 1 wrong comment mistaken can be twisted or seen several way and i didnt intend it to sound like that to u. Again my apoligies joe as i was wrong

It's all good, bro... Sorry, we're all stoned so that excuse is off the shelf. :lol:

Seriously, no apology was expected or required. It was not the least bit personal for me. But, since you were kind enough to offer one, I will humbly accept it. :peace:
I have a fox farm specific soil question. What is the difference between something like ocean forest and happy frog? What should I use if I want to do a 8-12 small plants in a SoG sort of setting indoors? I am seeing alot of folks using ocean forest but I cannot really find many specifics other than the products descriptions on the Fox Farms website.
I have a fox farm specific soil question.

FFOF is hot... good for vegetative growth and it has guanos and natural nutrients for microbe support. It's not considered organic because it does contain some chemical nutes. FFHF is mild enough for seedlings and is completely organic (according to my understanding). Probably, the FFOF would be best for your grow mix, but don't use it with seedlings. :peace:

P.S. Happy to help but, just so you know, in the future you should start your own thread when you have a specific question that pertains to your needs... it helps you and your problem/question to get undivided attention, and it helps keep this thread on topic. I see that you're new so I'm just giving you a head's up. :peace:
sure thing and thanks for the heads up as well as the soil info.