Indoor simple soil question

I only have miracle grow perlite but am not gunna use it. Im going to Texas hydroponics hopefully they have some there.
Get the chunkiest stuff they have the chunkier the better :D
Get the chunkiest stuff they have the chunkier the better
If available, ask for the big bag. It will seem huge if you're a small grower, but the small bags are only a couple bucks less and you'll have to buy one every time you get mix. I just emptied my bag I bought a year ago and that's after making probably 50 gals of Organic mix and 6 or 7 other grows. :peace:
Why would one be worried about MG perlite when OF has many more nutes? Usually 30% perlite, 70% soil is a good mix. Go figure.
Yea in one pot ill try going half OF half LW mixed up good hopefully that's airy enough
Think ill be good without any perlite?
Yea in one pot ill try going half OF half LW mixed up good hopefully that's airy enough

Can you start a grow journal. LW will cool down the OF. You may have better feed control via nutes. Sounds interesting.
I will. Some will have layers while others will have mixed soil ( OF and LW in both cases ) but ill be sure to post the differences in plant growth
Torch is right, especially with those mixes... you just need to make sure they don't dry out... but, you don't want them wet either. I'd keep some of the Light Warrior separate for starting seeds... Ocean Forest can be too hot for babies even after being mixed with LW and perlite. :peace:

I've mixed some in a plastic tub and who knows when my beans will arrive so how can I ensure my mix doesn't dry out? Just a cool dark room with the lid on all I need to do?