New Grower Sick Plants Need help ASAP Please

that was my thoughts. looks like a bad version of what i get when i run out of calmag.

Yeah man, something is saying mag not cal. No rusty spots I can see? Possibly using hard tap water already so cal covered?

To my very inexperienced eyes, it also kinda looks like a lock out?
Could you look at my link below and tell me if its Nitrogen problem.
1st and foremost a big thanks to you for everyones input. It was a combination of several things.
I did a 4 day flush, and she looked much better. this is what happened . Before anyone grows I feel you really need to understand ppm(us/ec) and buy a ppm meter. Don't get one that dose multifunction(ppm, ec, uS) ppm is all you need and ph meter. example of converting ppm to ec : ppm/1000= EC. Go to your local state DOR and ask for a copy of the latest water test for your area. Study it and find out what all is in your water. My water is very hard and but it got DOR attention.My ppm was 495, and 500 is considered to be harmful. I ordered GH Floral Series(Micro for hard water) I use the floral series anyway. This actually works fair. onced i received it I made up a batch of nutrients but only 1/2 of each except for Bloom full amount.
Then I kept check 4 times daily. I made of 3 gallon of ph water for in between feedings. To day I changed out nutrients only this time 3/4 amount. I did this and quit using calmagic. thanks(Evil Scotsman ) I also raised my LEDs.(hippie 71) so her she is after surgery. Not out of the woods yet.