New Grower Sick Plants Need help ASAP Please

Not nitrogen. That will be a lighter brighter frail yellow. It looks more like magnesium and possibly a light burn. What do you ph, what kind of light and how close to canopy?
PH = 6.3
PPM = 820
EC = 1.65
3 300w LED(True 140w ea light)
14" from canopy
Anyone have an idea of what it could be? i thinking of doing a ph water flush for 3 or 4 days then do a new res mix. any suggestions?
you using calmag mate?
it does look a bit like nitrogen deficiency to me but i dont think it is. looks pretty serious whatever it is so we’ll just get the big guns out. @namvet25 @Waira any thoughts guys. thats a bit far gone to be trusting my judgement this early in the day lol. theyre the medical guys mate. busy dudes so be patient but theyll pop in : )
it does look a bit like nitrogen deficiency to me but i dont think it is. looks pretty serious whatever it is so we’ll just get the big guns out. @namvet25 @Waira any thoughts guys. thats a bit far gone to be trusting my judgement this early in the day lol. theyre the medical guys mate. busy dudes so be patient but theyll pop in : )
Thanks dude
no worries bud. i used to be pretty good with this stuff but been a bit lazy with study time recently so forgetting everything i just spent months learning lol
First thought is raise the light in case its that. 14 inches sounds close at that stage? How many plants under 3 lights mate? Are they 5w led's? Each one i mean.
Where are you measuring that PH dude? And with what/is it accurate?