Sick plant at 5 weeks old, help!

I was under the impression that Biobizz light wasn’t pre charged, good to know!!
The simply state they do not use salts so they use "organic" amendments? Secret Sauce. No way to know what is or is not in there.
some good info on here, thanks again @Mañ'O'Green and @Proph for helping in this section. I haven't posted but I'm slowly starting to think I need to pay attention to what you all are saying :biggrin: :worship:
Yep sometimes it feels like I am talking to my computer and it don't grow shit!
Unfortunately there is no way to see improvement at this point. The plant stopped making leaves weeks ago.. You can only try to stop it from spreading any further. That issue has been there for a while, maybe just not noticed soon enough.

This is only my first grow, so I don't know much and am still very much learning, but I do not understand/agree with what you are saying. This plant is only 5 weeks old, it has already grown new leaves since I posted this thread yesterday, it's definitely still growing. She's taller today too. And this issue definitely just showed up a few days ago, pretty much right after her 4th feeding of sensi grow, when I raised it to 3.5 ml. Check out my grow journal I linked to, I have documented every single feed, watering, with daily photos and updates. I don't understand how what you are saying can be true when I'm witnessing a different plant than you are portraying it to be.
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This is only my first grow, so I don't know much and am still very much learning, but I do not understand/agree with what you are saying. This plant is only 5 weeks old, it has already grown new leaves since I posted this thread yesterday, it's definitely still growing. She's taller today too. And this issue definitely just showed up a few days ago, pretty much right after her 4th feeding of sensi grow, when I raised it to 3.5 ml. Check out my grow journal I linked to, I have documented every single feed, watering, with daily photos and updates. I don't understand how what you are saying can be true when I'm witnessing a different plant than you are portraying it to be.
I checked out your journal.. The post below is from you in your journal... It's the 2nd post of the journal. Dates Nov. 27th.. I see tip burn from over feeding and rust spots starting in the pics from almost a month ago. Im just trying to help. Im pretty confident in my ability to read a sick plant, lol. It's your first grow.. Ive been there bro.. The reason you don't understand how you could have missed it, is the same reason I would not understand how you didn't see it weeks ago.. It comes down to experience. My eyes notice every tiny discoloration on a leaf.. That's after years of learning to check my plants daily...

But again, check out your own pics.. They don't lie, lol.. The issues you're seeing today are a combination of issues caused by overfeeding. It did not start a few days ago.. It started weeks ago and has gotten worse leading up to what we have now..

Three days after topping. Did some leaf tucking and close up pic shows what I think will be the new 2 main kolas now right where I cut her. it's growing like crazy, didn't seem to slow down at all.View attachment 1259587View attachment 1259588View attachment 1259589View attachment 1259590View attachment 1259588View attachment 1259589

The issue is visible in almost every pic.. Do you see those yellow/white leaf tips? That's from over feeding.. You see those spots on the leaves? That's the begining of what your seeing now. Your plant is in flower. It did not grow any brand new leaves since yesterday.. If it did, please take a pic of the new leaf and post. Ive never seen that happen before. Your plant is in flower. It's called "in flower" because the plant stops the vegetative growth to focus only on making flower. It's called "in veg" because all the cannabis plant is focused on is vegetative growth (making leaves).

My advice for your 2nd grow would be to follow what the plant is showing you, not someone's feed/grow journal that happened to work for them. Growing weed is not like building a bird house. There are no set of instructions that you can follow. Every plant is different.
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I checked out your journal.. The post below is from you in your journal... It's the 2nd post of the journal. Dates Nov. 27th.. I see tip burn from over feeding and rust spots starting in the pics from almost a month ago. Im just trying to help. Im pretty confident in my ability to read a sick plant, lol. It's your first grow.. Ive been there bro.. The reason you don't understand how you could have missed it, is the same reason I would not understand how you didn't see it weeks ago.. It comes down to experience. My eyes notice every tiny discoloration on a leaf.. That's after years of learning to check my plants daily...

But again, check out your own pics.. They don't lie, lol.. The issues you're seeing today are a combination of issues caused by overfeeding. It did not start a few days ago.. It started weeks ago and has gotten worse leading up to what we have now..

The issue is visible in almost every pic.. Do you see those yellow/white leaf tips? That's from over feeding.. You see those spots on the leaves? That's the begining of what your seeing now. Your plant is in flower. It did not grow any brand new leaves since yesterday.. If it did, please take a pic of the new leaf and post. Ive never seen that happen before. Your plant is in flower. It's called "in flower" because the plant stops the vegetative growth to focus only on making flower. It's called "in veg" because all the cannabis plant is focused on is vegetative growth (making leaves).

My advice for your 2nd grow would be to follow what the plant is showing you, not someone's feed/grow journal that happened to work for them. Growing weed is not like building a bird house. There are no set of instructions that you can follow. Every plant is different.
I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I'm not meaning to be difficult, just trying to wade through the sea of information/misinformation. One thing I don't understand is, I'm not sure how it could have been overfed on November 27th when I didn't even feed her anything until December 5th, except for water, in the soil as it came. Is there a way to avoid oveefeeding when you're not even feeding it? I understand biobizz lite has nutes in it, but don't know how to control how much the plant is taking in with just water. Thank you again for helping. I am going to run water thru her for a few days, and then give a very light feed of sensi bloom once it's dried out, and hope for the best. Thanks again.
I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I'm not meaning to be difficult, just trying to wade through the sea of information/misinformation. One thing I don't understand is, I'm not sure how it could have been overfed on November 27th when I didn't even feed her anything until December 5th, except for water, in the soil as it came. Is there a way to avoid oveefeeding when you're not even feeding it? I understand biobizz lite has nutes in it, but don't know how to control how much the plant is taking in with just water. Thank you again for helping. I am going to run water thru her for a few days, and then give a very light feed of sensi bloom once it's dried out, and hope for the best. Thanks again.
No worries brotha! I totally understand! I've been exactly where you are! One of the issue with amended soils is that they aren't amended for cannabis.. They are usually for tomatoes or some other legal product, so the levels are often to much for an auto in certain stages of life. Bio bizz lite is a medium we see in the infirmary pretty often.. Not to say it's a bad product, because Im sure it's good.. Knowing or figuring out how to work with it when growinfseems to be the common issue. There are also nutrients in your tap water.. Mainly calcium, but it varies from city to city. If you're going to be using tap water it's important to know what's in it.. So be careful running that plain water through the pot as you plan to.

You are right.. There is a bunch of bad, wrong, misleading information out there. That's why I learned to trust the plants.. Every plant is different.. But they are never wrong and they never lie, lol. They tell us everything we need to know, good and bad. That plant has been talking for weeks, lol, if that makes sense. Our job is to listen to them, not people like me on the internet, lol. My conclusions will only come from what I see from the plant. That's how I personally from healthy plants seed to harvest.

Not to blow your mind, or overload you with info.. But too much of one nutrient will lock out several others, making them unavailable to the plant. So let's use the calcium in your tap water as an example.. If you're using tap water only, you are adding calcium to the soil every time you water.. Too much calcium will lock out magnesium and phosphorus, making it unavailable to the plant. Meaning that even though there is magnesium and phosphorus in the soil, the plant can't access/use it because of the excess calcium. It's a delicate balance. Once the balance is off with any one nutrient, you will start seeing a combination of issues that look like deficiencies, but are actually nutrient lock outs.
No worries brotha! I totally understand! I've been exactly where you are! One of the issue with amended soils is that they aren't amended for cannabis.. They are usually for tomatoes or some other legal product, so the levels are often to much for an auto in certain stages of life. Bio bizz lite is a medium we see in the infirmary pretty often.. Not to say it's a bad product, because Im sure it's good.. Knowing or figuring out how to work with it when growinfseems to be the common issue. There are also nutrients in your tap water.. Mainly calcium, but it varies from city to city. If you're going to be using tap water it's important to know what's in it.. So be careful running that plain water through the pot as you plan to.

You are right.. There is a bunch of bad, wrong, misleading information out there. That's why I learned to trust the plants.. Every plant is different.. But they are never wrong and they never lie, lol. They tell us everything we need to know, good and bad. That plant has been talking for weeks, lol, if that makes sense. Our job is to listen to them, not people like me on the internet, lol. My conclusions will only come from what I see from the plant. That's how I personally from healthy plants seed to harvest.

Not to blow your mind, or overload you with info.. But too much of one nutrient will lock out several others, making them unavailable to the plant. So let's use the calcium in your tap water as an example.. If you're using tap water only, you are adding calcium to the soil every time you water.. Too much calcium will lock out magnesium and phosphorus, making it unavailable to the plant. Meaning that even though there is magnesium and phosphorus in the soil, the plant can't access/use it because of the excess calcium. It's a delicate balance. Once the balance is off with any one nutrient, you will start seeing a combination of issues that look like deficiencies, but are actually nutrient lock outs.

Just ordered a ppm meter, ph meter, and ph up/down. In a couple days lll hopefully know more about my tap water. Thank you again.
Update. Plant is still growing, buds seem to be getting bigger also, and while the burnt leaves got even more crispy, they appear to be getting better now. I flushed her with a ton of water, removed leaves that were real bad, and have been watering her plain water at ph 6.5 and around 35ppm. 1gallon of water every three days let's her dry out slightly before re watering. It's been a mix of distilled water, and my tap water ran through a carbon filter. My water right out of the tap is 49ppm, ph9.0. I'm scared to death to feed her nutes again, but figure I should introduce them back soon.

Update. Plant is still growing, buds seem to be getting bigger also, and while the burnt leaves got even more crispy, they appear to be getting better now. I flushed her with a ton of water, removed leaves that were real bad, and have been watering her plain water at ph 6.5 and around 35ppm. 1gallon of water every three days let's her dry out slightly before re watering. It's been a mix of distilled water, and my tap water ran through a carbon filter. My water right out of the tap is 49ppm, ph9.0. I'm scared to death to feed her nutes again, but figure I should introduce them back soon.

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If you are nervous about adding nutes, just check the ppms of the run off.. If they are still too high, that means there is still a lot of nutrients sitting in the medium.. You can keep using water only until the ppms come down.. If they are in range or a little low, then you can start feeding at about that same ppm level.. So if your run off is 350, you can start feeding with a ppm of about 350ish..