Indoor should this be harvested now?!


Jul 27, 2012
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ok guys this is my pitiful "think different" its 55 days old but has had alot of ph/ defecincy problems as u can see.

i kno its 15 days from the recomended 70-75 days. i also kno that muddy says a few extra weeks can get u better buds at the end.i also read when the smaller leaves start turning yellow then its done but since ive been having yellowing for awhile and i know for a fact i have probaly have multiple deficeincies so i dont want to jepordize my bud!

im thinking of harvesting the smaller one. my other two i want to let grow because they clearly arent done yet.




heres a comparison to my other 2 "think different".

as u can see its tiny. BUT by far the most dense and most frosty.





as u can see these have had thyre problems but grew much taller.

any advice??

p.s as of right now im stocking upon supplies for my next grow which i can invest much more mula into. :peace:
From what I have seen when autos get to the end of there life cycle they tend to yellow when fan leaves die off. I think maybe deficiencies and starting to die off here. But the lower fan leaves are still pretty green and not curled. If it were me I would leave them in a hair longer and I'm with Muddy on it will get you better buds in end. Maybe another week and flush a week? Lets let some auto vets chime in I'm pretty new to the auto scene but long time grower. I would still be using Overdrive and preparing for a flush at this point. Please someone correct me if wrong or to stoned.

What nutes did you use?
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From what I have seen when autos get to the end of there life cycle they tend to yellow when fan leaves die off. If it were me I would leave them in a hair longer and I'm with Muddy on it will get you better buds in end. Maybe another week and flush a week? Lets let some auto vets chime in I'm pretty new to the auto scene but long time grower.

Yea man I agree. What I kno for a fact is that some of my yellowing is from deficiencies and I know some leaves yellow as the plant gets older. So I'm not sure if its ready early or if yellowing is jus taking over from a deficiency. I just want the bud to be as good as it can I can wait, I jus don't want it to start going downhill:smokebuds:
No, I don't think they are ready yet. I don't take mine till all the fan leaves are dead and gone. I'd say they probably can go another 2-3 weeks.
No, I don't think they are ready yet. I don't take mine till all the fan leaves are dead and gone. I'd say they probably can go another 2-3 weeks.

Yea ill flush them these last few weeks I just didn't kno if the yellowing can eventually reach the bud?
like muddy said another couple of weeks dont worry about the color of the leaves as like you said you had alot of defs so next way to tell is when the fans start dying off :smokeit: love the smaller TD :thumbs: