Indoor Shortstuff Auto Gorilla OG Grow & Show

Mine is falling about the place too:haha:


And since I've run out of string up here.....


A quick top up of the res tonight and I'll get more string tomorrow......and set up NFT systems for another Auto Green Crack and Auto Blueberry Chemdawg which have just poked their heads out of root riot. Hopefully catch up on a few other things too.


GOG2 is a different pheno than the big flower, weak branch lady. She stayed a bit more compact and Christmas tree shape. Her flower structure is a more pointed, sativa dominant with some foxtails.

Pretty much all new growth has stopped, all pistils have died and the trichome are nice and milky. I don't really see any amber and that's the way I'm keeping it. Her terpene profile is also different than her sister. It is a sweeter, more tangerine scent. It's lighter though, not as pronounced as the her funky sis.

She will be finished tomorrow after her dark period. Not exactly sure what day at the moment but they are both around day 68. It's written down.


GOG1 is the heavy flower lady. She got all her branches tied up the day her branch broke. I did it more for preventative measures than anything else.

She has been on a flush for a bit. She got a big flush the other day, got a final flush today. I will be cutting her down perpetually. The tops definitely look more ripe than the lowers. Her smell is very pungent. Skunky and rubbery. Classic GG4 scent. There is a hint of sweetness from the kush at the end but it's mostly funk.

She has a bit more time than her sis. But not much.






Lowest side top flower.

Enjoy. :pass:
Mine is falling about the place too:haha:

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And since I've run out of string up here.....

View attachment 768130

A quick top up of the res tonight and I'll get more string tomorrow......and set up NFT systems for another Auto Green Crack and Auto Blueberry Chemdawg which have just poked their heads out of root riot. Hopefully catch up on a few other things too.

Nice one bro we do love our gog dont we and this one is jus as impressive as the last time
Nice one bro we do love our gog dont we and this one is jus as impressive as the last time

Cheers bud. I was hoping this strain would be more impressive in the Amazon aeroponics system but it's not had the attention it's needed as I've been snowed under with other stuff. Not all my plants survived the neglect but this one being in a really big res seemed to help even if I haven't made good use of the growth potential of aeroponics. Next time I'll be even more determined to see if I can get a bit nearer a pound out of one of these:eyebrows::smoking:
Cheers bud. I was hoping this strain would be more impressive in the Amazon aeroponics system but it's not had the attention it's needed as I've been snowed under with other stuff. Not all my plants survived the neglect but this one being in a really big res seemed to help even if I haven't made good use of the growth potential of aeroponics. Next time I'll be even more determined to see if I can get a bit nearer a pound out of one of these:eyebrows::smoking:
I think you could hit the weight no problem with that system gosh what did ure last gal weigh couldnt have been far off the 1lb mark
I think you could hit the weight no problem with that system gosh what did ure last gal weigh couldnt have been far off the 1lb mark

Last one was about 10oz so there's work to do to hit that target. Still got a couple of nugs left for special occasions:smokeout:

Deffo putting a net over the next one and see if I can rearrange the aeroponics system so more of the roots stay in the chamber and don't go down around the pump.....they'll be getting pruned and the pump is a source of heat so them hugging that doesn't seem ideal. Really fancy a res chiller too.

Funny story (to me anyway).....Last time I visited a grow shop the owner asked how I liked the Amazon so I told him I got 800g from 5 plants and then he told me about a grower who puts 4 plants in, drops a 1000W down the middle and trains the plants outwards to get 1000g a run out of them. Didn't mention that I was running dwarf autos and did it in 10 weeks with 600W bulbs though:smoking:
DAY 47

2ml grow
4ml bloom
4ml pk
4ml calmag
Ph 6.0
Temps 28.4
Rh 47
The above was added to 5litres of spring water and she got the lot with little runoff


Im hoping she fills in good to rival the last time i grew this strain just wasnt expecting such stretch this time and light was kept close so must just be the pheno