Extraction Shatter Recipe with Alcohol

Bwahahaa Marley reminds me of my dog,she got into the rosin chips once and jacked heself,she also ate some capsules once and jacked herself...

My uncles dog (r.i.p. (the dog)) was always sitting next to us when we smoked some, he wanted to get some smoke in his face and usually went for a drink and the sleeping spot afterwards thi is what he looked like:
Here we go Brothers...


Looks pretty ill, i love it! Wouldnt use that if i still got something to do since in lays you flat...
Hello. I was wondering if anyone has tried a water cure on the flowers and then a cold extraction to see if there is any color difference in the final product? I might try this next I think. I have been doing this awhile and working on trying to get it cleaner but really from looking around everyone's results are pretty much the same with color and clarity based on soaked time ect.

Here are a few pics of some trim results I ran recently. I use a hot water bath from hot water from the sink when evaporating and a fan and it goes really quick when its hot outside. After its pretty much dry I freeze it for 4 hours and then thaw it again before collecting. This will ensure your purge is complete. Collect and press with a little heat and you shatter is ready to dab or break down for vaping ;)


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