NEWS sharing info in the eu

Hope this helps, as of 26/12/18 i believe, It is legal in Spain to cultivate or smoke cannabis for your own personal use.

As long as you consume the drug in the privacy of your own home, or elsewhere on private property, you're not doing anything illegal. It's also legal to buy and sell paraphernalia such as seeds and other hemp products. However, if you are growing cannabis on private property, it cannot be in public view.
Thanks mugwamp pretty much just confirms my own research on this subject! I think it's just one of these grey area things where you're better playing it safe with a few plants max rather than going all out and doing 50 odd plants! And don't get caught with scales or baggies or that's a completely different matter and will be tried as selling rather than personal
No problem mate happy I could help, good luck and have fun devils-horn-smiley-emoticon.gif
What's the deal in the netherlands?
It's decriminalised, at the lower levels, you can carry or buy 5 grams a time, max, any more than 5 grams, your getting a fine. You can grow at home, but not under lights. 5 plants, per adult, per household. Coffeeshop rules are MENTAL. The coffeeshop can hold up to 500 grams stock, but it's illegal for the shop to buy that much, it's called 'front door, back door' the coffeshop can sell the weed legally at the front door, but it's illegal to buy the stock at the back door, so a little blind eye is needed by the police for the system to function. Loads of coffeeshops have recently been closed, due to new rules about how close they are to schools ect.
Ireland: thc is illegal but cbd products and seeds are legal. You can buy cbd extracts in a lotta places (pharmacies, health food shops, vape shops) and recently a cafe opened in waterford selling CBD Bud. They got shut down and had stock confiscated for testing but were open again a month later. They also offer cbd edibles.
As for growing CBD bud you need to apply for a license, and you must own and intend to use at least 4 acres of (agricultural zoned) land to even be eligible.
Full spectrum cannabis oil has kind of been approved for some medical conditions, tho the government is yet to find a supplier for the oil.
Ireland: thc is illegal but cbd products and seeds are legal. You can buy cbd extracts in a lotta places (pharmacies, health food shops, vape shops) and recently a cafe opened in waterford selling CBD Bud. They got shut down and had stock confiscated for testing but were open again a month later. They also offer cbd edibles.
As for growing CBD bud you need to apply for a license, and you must own and intend to use at least 4 acres of (agricultural zoned) land to even be eligible.
Full spectrum cannabis oil has kind of been approved for some medical conditions, tho the government is yet to find a supplier for the oil.
if you look into the fine print of the paperwork needed which i have done you give the police the rights the conduct searches on your property without notice at any time so that was enough to put me right off the idea shame really id love to grow fields of hemp i see pictures of the farm in the soulth of ireland looks great

have you tried any of hemptures products interested to see what the cbd flowers they sell are like