DIY Share you disguised grow box ideas!

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Whats up guys! I have a grow journal going on now and I recently made a small grow box with a pvc frame covered in black and white poly, its 3ft tall, 2 ft wide and 1 ft deep, for 1-2 small plants....

I'm wondering...
Does anyone got some stealth or disguised grow box ideas? Ive seen a lot of discussion of this on other sites but not much on my home site, AFN!
At the beginning of my grow I used a rubbermaid container and was planning on stacking 2 and cutting the bottom of one, but its way to much of a hassle to line the inside of the rubber maids, and they just don't lost very long... so I'm trying to figure out a way to hide my already made grow box, and I would love to know some of your guys ideas!

My other ideas are;
making a garage storage cabinet into a grow box (I made one with a friend but it ended up being a really obvious grow box)
The rubbermaid containers
A wood cabinet, lined and sealed with mylar or poly

lemme know anyones genius ideas! ill post pics of the storage cabinet grow box me and a friend made, and some of my grow box! Post some pics of your guys stealth grow boxes!
i saw a great one on MP forum, it was a dresser bout 5 foot tall 8 or so wide all glued together and hollowed out so the front came off to show empty grow box then ontop had a stereo with a carbon filter in one hollowed speaker and fan in other etc all amazingly well hidden.
Well you should check out Micro_grower threads at the moment he's growing in a uhaul box

Some other ideas:
1) Speaker boxes (the ones you put in your car)
2) P.C Case
3) Make one yourself out of wood. Line it with mylar. Computer fans for intake and out take and a door for easy access
4) Server case

Thanks realcarlos. Thats why i smiled real big. Lol. Cant forget rubbermaid tubs. I found that big cardboard boxes are eazy to work with. Only tool youll need to turn it into a grow box is a boxblade. Doesnt get much easier than that. Oh yeah, tape and scissors... ;)

Crazytrain has one of those dreszers u speak of. My old thread is def a good pc growing guide if ur interested.
That dresser idea sounds awesome id love to try that if i had a dresser to spare hahah
Heres some pics of my 3ft tall, 2ft wide 1ft deep, homemade grow box made from a simple 3/4" pvc frame, and covered in black & white poly with 2 120mm computer fans, and a pic of the security camera inside the box!

And heres some pics of a grow cabinet me and a friend made from a plastic garage cabinet
Another video I found
easy and cheap grow box get a garbage can from lowes or home depot couple of small computer fans and 2 105w cfl I used the 35 gallon black with the dome lid and got 45 grams out of it you can just set it in the corner of the room or in the garage any where the temperature is ok
easy and cheap grow box get a garbage can from lowes or home depot couple of small computer fans and 2 105w cfl I used the 35 gallon black with the dome lid and got 45 grams out of it you can just set it in the corner of the room or in the garage any where the temperature is ok
That's a good idea dlove
Do you have pictures?
Where did you place the fans? The lights?

People have also been using mini fridges