Hi, what´s up guys!? I have a question to all you pc-case growers, and others that might know the answer.
Are the standard pc-cases bigger then the standard european pc-cases?
The measurements on my cases are about 40 cm (two foot) high, 40-50 (2 ½ foot) cm long and 20 (1 foot) wide. These are just approx. I don´t know if it´s even possible to grow anything in there. The plant have to be pretty small to fit in there.
The thing is that i have moved from my bachelor apartment in to a new apartment together with my gf. The new place is in the same house as her sisters family and brothers fam too. So this makes it kind of hard to grow indoors with the possibiliy that we can have visitors when ever thruout the day. It can be the kids, or it can be her sister or brother. So i am thinking of new ways on how i can keep growing. I don´t think that a pc-case is big enough for my needs.
I am leaning more towards a grow box. I am going to use it for breeding, so i need space for at least 2-4 plants. This summer i will start experimenting a little bit with breeding. I am going to cross some different strains, and try to perfect them so i can grow my own strain next years outdoor season. It is going to be photo breeding so that´s why i need a little bit more space. It has to look like furniture, so i am thinking of buying a small IKEA-closet, fix it up and put in some CFL´s or a high wattage CFL, 125-250w.
Anybody know a good diy guide?
How many plants do i have to grow at the same time to breed? Not more then two right? First i pick out my best male and my best female and cross them. After i pollinated the female i just throw the male away. Then it´s just one plant left.