Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn


Perfectly Flawed
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi guys n' gals. I just wanted to show a late season outdoor grow I am doing. I live in FL in what I like to call my cypress swamp oasis. It is beautiful, with lots of trees, flowers, and wild life. We have a few bears, at least 1 panther, and tons of smaller critters. Snakes... We got snakes. My back yard happens to back up to a wildlife preserve.

A bit about me. I'm a proud father to a lil' boy and girl. My wife just kick ass. Shes the corner stone here, and I'm okay with that. I have a sailors mouth so lets the F bombs go, but please keep this thread "clean". I don't tolerate disrespect towards women at home, and don't think I should have to here either. Dirty jokes, and good humor are great, but direct insults are better left else where. Besides my women, and my buds, I love to cook, and did so professionally for 11 years. I will also be getting my master gardeners certificate next year. I've always been in to plants in general.

I love to read people thoughts and suggestions. I am very open to constructive criticism, and advice, but ask that you not get offended if I chose not to use that advice. There are many way to go about what we are doing, and some times whats good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The soil is a basic organic peat mix. It is 1 I got from ICmag, and have altered a bit. I have a lot of natural resources, and try to add what I can to build the soil up. I also am currently using 5 different worm casting with the idea of adding more diversity.

I am using "7" gallon aeration pots. The label says 7gal, but it is more like 5gal. Why can a gallon not just be a gallon? What the hell is a "trade gallon"? 0.76gallons....Douches.... Anywho, they should be plenty large enough. I expect 4-4.5gal of actual soil leaving room to top dress, and mulch.

I purchased an auto mix pack (trance pack) from Shaman Genetics, the selection sounded pretty. This was intended for my first grow, but will actually be my 2nd. It will be my 1st run with autos.

The Trance Mix consists of:

1 x Blue Caramel Auto (Blueberry x Cream Caramel Auto).
1 x The Super Auto (The Super x Auto AK).
1 x Hubba Bubba (Bubble Gum x Deimos).
1 x Marley's Auto (Auto Marley's Tribute x Critical +).
1 x Kraken Auto (Jack Herer x The # 1).
1 x UK Cheese Auto (Uk Cheese x Skunk # 1 Auto).

I already have 1 growing at 15 days, and will be popping 2 more this morning when the lil' one takes a nap.

Shes just twisted looking for light. This is just after sunrise, and she was straight in the next 2hrs.

The 1 growing seemed to start of kinda slow, but in the last 2 days has seemed to pick up the pace some. With this being a mix pack I'm not sure what to expect. The height range is something like 2-5 feet. There are indica, and sativa dominants in there, and at least 1 super auto. If I can manage not to pull out my hair over analyzing them, this should be a fun ride.

So here are some thought, and they may be naive, or even elementary like, but I am a new grower.

I plan on growing auto outside for the time. I am currently out of in door room. Being that I live in FL and it does not get nearly as cold as the rest of the map, I feel like this should not be a problem. Also why I went with the autos. They may not get optimal lighting, but they WILL produce. This thought might be flawed, but I am trying to ensure that I have a continuous harvest. Also as a side note. I thought maybe, just maybe, the cold weather will enhance some nice colors.

Any who... I'll try and keep this updated with photos. I am also hoping some of the genetic gurus might be willing to help me figure out what is growing. Thanks for stopping by guys, see you soon.
So I didn't have enough water dechlorinated for 3 soil drenches. I only did the 1 transplant, and put the other 2 seeds in paper towel for the night. They where already soaking in water, and both have cracked. So 3/3 look viable so far. The next few days shall tell.

I am reusing the mulch from a recently harvested plant. It has all kinds of good stuff lurking in it. There is some alfalfa meal, worm shit, fungi, trim, and w/e was soaked up from teas/sprays/top dressing. With that being said, I don't plan on top dressing this plant as heavy as the other 2. They will get fresher mulch.

One thing thats on my mind is keeping my soil moist. Even in December it is hot here. (FL, open to opinion...) I stay at home during the day with my son, so I can, but don't want to HAVE to water all the damn time. I was thinking I could just take a box and make a circular cut out just a big larger than the pot. Make a slit to the center, and put a larger hole there. Kinda like a girdle. Try and at least shade the soil, but still let it breath.

I have a few different water pumps, and 2 fountain pumps. Here in the near future I plan on building some kind of an irrigation system for my garden. As I actually claim to be an indoor grower, it may or may not include plans for MJ plants.

When the plants hit about 5-6" I plan on introducing worms to the pots. I currently have to species. The red wigglers, and nightcrawlers. I only have ~24 NC worms, they invaded a bucket of compost. The RW worm is the wounder boy here. I have roughly 2,250 RW. I'm thinking 100ish per pot should do just fine. I have yet to try this but have seen it.

The more I learn about worms the more I love them. I even talked my mom in to buying a couple pounds for her garden boxes. If you don't own any, get some. For the price of a few bags of casting, you can produce your own. Screw the expensive farms, and towers. Make 1 for a fraction of the price.

I need to do some research in regard to auto feedings. I read the sticky explaining the weeks to give veg, and when to give flower nutes but to be honest was stoned, and wasn't sure if that applied to bottled nutes, or just any nutes. I pretty much make my own nutes, and try to focus on broad spectrum. Shit my last plant got almost no attention during flower. Besides mold checks, and tucking leaves, I just built the soil. The soil took care of the plants well being for me. I'll have to reread it, and head to the organic section. Any input here would be helpful. Should I make my extracts and teas more geared towards the time of the plants life (veg, flower), or would my broad spectrum approach do just fine?

Thanks again for stopping by, take care.
I grew in Sarasota FL off n on for 12 years.winter(mid coast Gulf coast of FL.) isnt real prone(especially back then) to frost.much north of there you'll prolly have an issue or three.north north is evn worse the closer ya get to GA. and nursery work,scaping and other gardening things..tree farming.

autos should do nice.phots even better.december is perfect harvest season for sati dom photo's. and imo Id add as the cycle goes for out doors also that will help balance the mix and local pest population as they become avaliable throughout the weather and temps.most will hide deep vs. dormant in the higher north.and peat is ok, but it'd be better to use coco coir.its just better all around.

and everything sold unless stated otherwise is usually done in trade gallons for gardening.and some trades as well.
Hi EoF, thanks for stopping in. Thanks for the info on Sarasota winters. I am a bit north of there, but not enough to be a big deal. I've lived here for 20+ years, and we rarely have a temperatures low enough to worry. It gets close, but we have only lost a few plants (veggies, flowers) that I can remember. In my experience, the wind is our main worry on cold nights. Now normally we would use a towel, sheet, w/e cloth and blanket the sensitive plants. I obviously wouldn't want to blanket sticky buds. Time to make, a makeshift green house, lol.

I do have a sativa bagseed growing back there at the moment. There was 3 till this morning when my dog tipped over the shelves they where on, smashing 2 rather badly. It is not huge like most outdoor girls. They where indoor at first, and have been topped, super cropped, and LST'd to manage height in a micro cab. I live next to (property lines touch) a nature/wild life preserve, which is why I keep them elevated. The survivor has pink/prupelish hairs. At least the core of the hairs is, with a back light they "glow" pink. With a regular lighting, or camera flash, it just appears to have a purple center to it, and a white layer over that. Her sister both had all white hairs. I can't wait till harvest time. She has ~a dozen tops. Her sisters are hanging up. I smoked a test bowl in the vape, and it was good. Not what I am expecting out of the other, but good enough.

I did look in to what a trade gallon is before my above post, I'm just a bit butt hurt. :) The rest of my fabric pot I made myself, so this was my first time dealing with trade gallons. It is still a nice big pot, and very well made. Handles are able to pick it up with 4.5 gallons of wet soil, and don't seem to mind. I looked at the listing later, and it did have "trade gallon" listed. Next time I'll just grab a 10 gallon. Lesson learned.

Time to do some updates. Till next time, take care.
Okay I have fixed my dechlorinated water problem. I am using a 3M chlorine filter for a commercial coffee machine. My father in-law and I did some testing on it, and the water came back nice and clean. With some press fittings, and a water hose fitting, I now can have dechlorinated water on demand. No more waiting, or forgetting to make another 10gals. There are way cheaper options than this. The boogie brew filter is about $25 cheaper than this. This filter is $65-75, however this didn't cost me a dime.

I was able to get the other 2 seeds in soil today. Both had a small tail, less than 1/8". I was able to fins more mulch that was breaking down, and had a nice fungi presence. All three pots got some inoculated biochar also. I put ~1 cup around the outside of the pot, and fluffed it in to the top few inches.

I started sprouting some corn last night for a SST. I've got a new food processor too so it should be a better mix now. I don't know if I will be using it on the auto this round though. I will be giving them some aloe water in the next couple days.DSCN0559[1].JPG

As stated in my above post, I had 2 girls take a 5" fall today. I spent the next 2 hours with jeweler tweezers picking soil/sand out of the buds. There is still a good amount I just can't get. I may give it another shot tomorrow. That fucking dog almost took its last walk today. That is now 3 of the 4 plants that where flowering and had to be harvested early because of her. These plants where supposed to make me self sustainable, and stop buying shit green. DSCN0462.JPG This is them shortly after starting to bud. The main stems where mangled, but the buds all stayed intact. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get soil/sand out of sticky buds? I did make a bucket of clean water and give a branch a gentle swishing in it, but this only appeared to make the bud wet. Today is said and done, moving on.

If you have not seen it, I have started a post in the organics section on worms. The title is "Worm Bins, and creating biodiveristy through free range poo". I invite anyone interested to stop by and have a chat about shat. It doesn't matter if you want to learn or teach, just pull up a chair and lets do it together. If you find something you like, then use it. If you find something you don't like let me know. The great thing about what we are doing (growing plants, really) is there are tons of methods.

Keep it green, and keep it safe.
Chlorine in water will dissipate to the atmosphere after a few days if stored in an open water butt. Just get a large container fill it with water and leave it for a few days before watering anything. No need for filtering.

Re fabric pots, your seedling pots are made from capillary matting from what I can see in the photo and will dry out very quickly, unless of course you place them on a tray of wet capillary matting.

Capillary matting was designed for greenhouse growing where you water the matting and not the pots - the contact between soil in the pots draws up moisture from the matting - the matting should be kept moist/wet at all times. This has the advantage of keeping plant pot tops dryish while lower down it is moist. It's just a er- misuse of the product. But hey if it works :)

I use capillary matting under seedling pots to avoid 'dampening off' where a rot occurs at the base of the stem in seedlings (doesn't always work as low temps can also cause this).
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Nice journal man, subbed up.. Might be able to help you identify the Shaman's ladies, I myself have just harvested a Blue Kraken and a Hubba Bubba. And got a Uk Cheese in the seedling phase!
Hi guys, just got back in town. Was out on a lil family vacation. :greenthumb:Nothing like some mountains, people you love, and a lack of phone signal to refresh your outlook. Or make you remember how much work just blows, lol. I have yet yo find the camera, but will update some photos soon.

So while I was out my father in-law (the old fart) took care of my plants. All he really did was just water them, no feeding or anything. The older of the 3 looks to have got a caterpillar on it, and chewed on some leaves. Only 1 leaf got mangled bad. Pappee Bills vision isn't like it used to be, so the old fart didn't even notice. The old fart is one of by best friends too, love that guy.

The 2 younger where just seedlings when I left. They shot up like rockets in the week I was gone. It was just stretch, no width really. It was raining all day when I got back, and they had fell over and turned up. I added ~3" of soil all around giving it more support and filling the pot better. They where both facing up this morning, and ready for the sun. BTW that damn sun never came out. I call bullshit.

I went ahead and buried the existing mulch with the soil. I actually have a pretty good amount of fungi ridden mulch, and plan on adding more, just didn't get to it yet. I the next 4-5 days I will be adding worms to the pot. I am hoping that the buried mulch will just help feed the worms, and soil together.

Last night I gave all my plants in veg a fish hydrolysate feeding, and kelp spray. For the autos the just received it at about 30/70 nute/water dilution. I also gave the auto a fresh water spray after ~45min. I'm not sure if that was needed, but with them being (autos in general) nute sensitive, it seemed like a safe move. What ever washes off just goes to the soil anywho. All my plants also got some more worm casting on top. Tomorrow I will be sifting more of the wild casting and topping the with that too.

SpliffScot~~~ I was using a air pump and aerating the water, but now with the filter, it on tap. Bada-Ching, all pun intended.
The fabric in the above pic (white) is batting material for quilts. I have a few different kinds, that the only poly blend. It works okay, but you are right it does dry out fast. It is also small so it doesn't hold much water to begin with. However it does a really good job at aeration if you can keep it moist. I actually use that 1 for flowers normally, but was out of small fabric pots on that day. The rest of the home made pots are 100% unbleached cotton, and retain water much better. The large black pots kick ass. They hold moisture in just right, but its never "clogged up". Just the right amount of water pressure needed to seep through imo. Thanks for dropping in

Vas Deferwns~~~ Thanks for subbin' on in, hope I don't disappoint you! I followed the 5 R's of growing, before planting. READ, READ, READ, READ, and READ some more.

sour.b~~~ Man that would be awesome if you could help naming the plants. Even if not, it should be fun. :smokeout: Are your plants smokable yet? I would love to hear your opinions on them. The trance pack just seemed like a nice variety, so I'm sure what ever I get will make me smile.

I hope to find the camera soon, and add a few pics. There still isn't much to see though. just leaves, lol. Well tell next time, take care guys.
So I didn't have enough water dechlorinated

Americans have a funny attitude about rain water collection.
In my country EVERYONE in rural areas have to care for they own water. Rain water collection is what 90+% do here.
Chlorine is a poison.
Can't you just collect rain water for your plans ?