Indoor Shadowgrows a Purple Rolex and Creme de la Chem

Feb 25, 2020
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Good day all,
This will be my fourth run at growing but my first shared journal. @EP3 here be yer requested tag, friend!
My equipment is as listed:
Marshydro 3’x3’ Tent
Infinity T6 Extraction Fan and Controller (I just keep it on Constant 3 or 4)
SpiderFarmer SF-2000 (Still on the factory settings)
Vornado Humidier
6” fan by Monkey Fans
Lights and MonkeyFan are on a built in timer on the power strip.

Seeds used were @stan_mephisto Crème de la Chem (seed was one year old) and @RocBudInc Genetics Purple Rolex V2.1 (recently purchased). Germination method used was soaked in distilled water for 12 hours then planted ½” directly into the soil of it’s final container. They were planted on Sunday morning 21 March, 2021 at 0730hrs EST. The CDLC broke ground on 24 March sometime between 0800 and 2000 and the Purple Rolex was pulling her head out of the ground this day 25 March, 2021 at 0730.
The Purple Rolex is in a soil mix of 1/1/1 Oly Mountain Fish Compost/ Canadian Sphagnum Peat moss/ and a 50/50 mix of Rice Hulls and Pumice in a 5 gallon Air-Pot. Going to be using Roots Organic’s Terp Tea Grow and Terp Tea Bloom as top dressings throughout.
The CDLC is in a 15 gallon no-till pot. This is the second run for this pot and excited to see how it performs compared to the last one. I top dressed with half of the recommended amount of Build-A-Soil’s Coot’s blend and about two inches of the above mentioned Base Soil mix and put some clover seed on. I plan to do a compost tea around week 3 or 4 maybe a Popcorn SST mid-flower.
Light Schedule is 18/6 throughout the grow. Tent sits at about 76 degrees Fahrenheit during lights on and drops to about 68 during lights out. The RH is usually on or very close to 55%. At this stage the SF-2000 is around 32” above the soil and both seedlings are covered with a homemade humidity dome.
I am sure there are things missing and I will answer questions as time allows.
This Crocus popped up in the yard when Purple Rolex showed up in the mail. Took it as a sign.
And here is the space
Creme de la Chem
Purple Rolex V2.1 (I’ll post another picture tonight after she pulls her head out)
Here is the promised picture of Purple Rolex with her head out of the ground. I’ll update in a week.
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After a couple months of consideration, I pulled the trigger on some Autocobs from The SpiderFarmer 2000 has been dependable but I have been desiring the option to adjust lighting height for the individual plant. Depending on when they arrive, I will likely install and power them up as these two plants go into flower. Nothing new to report on the ladies today. Still just PHed water and keeping temps in the mid-high seventies with the tent RH hovering at 58%.
Update couple of days early. Lights switched on 20 minutes before I got into the tent at 71 Fahrenheit and 58% RH. Creme de la Chem is looking better. She’s short compared to Purple Rolex.
I found something that looks to be green algae on top of the soil around Purple Pope. I did not moisten the soil, turned the humidifier down and also removed the humidity dome for today to see if the lights will murder the algae. Probably flawed logic but I do not have time to research a solution this morning.
Did some quick searches after getting to work. I found an entry by @Mañ'O'Green stating to cover with foil attached to styrofoam to block the light. I also found something about sprinkling Cinnamon on the surface. Apparently it keeps the algae from blooming any further. Any of you folks have experience with the Cinnamon by chance? I will just stick with the entry By Man O Green if not.
Something I hadn’t really considered either is removing the humidity domes during lights out.
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Update couple of days early. Lights switched on 20 minutes before I got into the tent at 71 Fahrenheit and 58% RH. Creme de la Chem is looking better. She’s short compared to Purple Rolex.
View attachment 1302195
I found something that looks to be green algae on top of the soil around Purple Pope. I did not moisten the soil, turned the humidifier down and also removed the humidity dome for today to see if the lights will murder the algae. Probably flawed logic but I do not have time to research a solution this morning.
View attachment 1302198
i get a bit of algae on my perlite but i dont think its something to worry about @Mañ'O'Green whats your thoughts on this
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i get a bit of algae on my perlite but i dont think its something to worry about @Mañ'O'Green whats your thoughts on this
I would just shade the top of the pot until the plant shades it. A little algae is not a problem but a thick growth will use nutrients that should go to the plant. It is also a scourge in hydro lines.