Indoor Shadowgrows a Purple Rolex and Creme de la Chem

Did some quick searches after getting to work. I found an entry by @Mañ'O'Green stating to cover with foil attached to styrofoam to block the light. I also found something about sprinkling Cinnamon on the surface. Apparently it keeps the algae from blooming any further. Any of you folks have experience with the Cinnamon by chance? I will just stick with the entry By Man O Green if not.
Something I hadn’t really considered either is removing the humidity domes during lights out.
I never had algae, but I used to use cinnamon to keep the gnats away, and had no issues with it.
However, it didn't keep the gnats away! Little Buggers.
I switched to putting peppermint oil on the sides of my pots.