Outdoor Self Sustaining Guerilla Chaze

  • Thread starter Thread starter BrolyBuds
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4x AA, been using 2 of these timers for 6 mths straight now and never changed a battery.. Im sure (neta) the brand would sell in the states. Did you watch the u tube vid on my post on how my set up works?
wow only 4 AA's ?? and it lasts for 6 months? and yes i did watch the video. I had something similar in mind.

Also gonna try ebay to see if i can get it that way
Bunnings is willing to ship it to me ;)...thanks again streikr...what you have looks to be exactly what i was looking for. I was wondering how efficient or how much water actually gets to the plants at the time of watering..i'm doing 2 really big containers like huge storage bins...perhaps 45 gallon for each chaze...and so im wondering if i should route 2, 3, 4 , or 5 watering lines to each of the chaze. I have 2 chaze fems.
it all depends...
You do not have to put more watering lines in for more water... You can select how long the lines stay on for and how many times they water per day... Maybe when your plants are in the later stage of veg and flowering they might need some more water. I have short to medium autos now and i have 2 or 3 tubes running to each plant. They are buried direct in ground and are being watered for 99 secs (longest time u can set) 1 time a day and they have enough water.
Hope this helps
Lantern wicks and rubber hoses work, very old fashion but they do some what work
Where I live in the northern hemi. the winters are very mild and I grow photo periods in winter causing them to autoflower .... It works
I caught some high school kids try to steal everything at one GG site I had about a month or so ago they took about 5-6 plants.. I waited for them to be greedy and come back for the other 30 they did and I got em... I took their IDs to track them down if they did return promptly with what the had taken their first trip... I got 5 out of 6 of the stolen plants back... I had to move the whole Op somewhere else very shitty, but the place had been compromised great location too.

I fuckin hate thieves, worst kinda people. I let em know what it means to steal from ANY grower and if they want their own plants that they should plant their own seeds and use their own time and location.

I got taken for one plant almost a week ago, I wanted to see if a somewhat new friend was trust-able enough to help out me out with a gg-op in the future so I brought a single plant to new location only that person would know about and sure enough a week later we were out fishing and he said he was going to grab us a six pack, after an hour I went on a mission to the location I had shown him the single plant and sure enough.. it was gone

I'm keepin everything a one man opera., no need for problems in the future... the only person anyone can really trust or depend on is themselves. that's what that reinforced
So very true man...sorry to hear about your ladys being stolen..i just hate people who steal. Like you said, find your OWN place plant your OWN plants. Nobody knows how to work for anything anymore.

The small 3 plant grow i had a few summers back got clipped. Someone literally took the time to go back there and snip off all the buds. lol they werent even that developed. Lucky for me the plant grew back all new buds. I hold the soil responsible for that. I was able to get my hands on some reeeeally nice compost. It was 20 years old and it was jam packed FULL of nutrients.

but back to the theft..yea my whole look on it now is....the less people know the better. i'd rather do everything myself anyways. Some advice though i was thinking of doing is maybe moving the entire grow to another area ...maybe a few weeks or a month before harvest. might be a lot of work but ya figure anybody who is stealing from you is probably going to wait until they mature. Another thing you could do is hire some help. Pay one trusted dood to help you move and transplant everything when its done. So you might have to start the grow yourself but at least you'd have help taking it all down ya know. good luck out there bro!
I dunno about hired helped, that's kinda what got me jacked last week, there really is no telling if my friend stole that one, but you never know that's whats so shitty... unless I had some hunter cams set up.

I figure I'll do as I heard an oldtimer say one time "worry about your own, get your own" less people know about the ladies the better... I haven't ever had my peppers, tomatoes, onion, garlic etc. stolen why would some jack off steal my green female friends.

"to stay on topic"

I wouldn't use the terracotta pots, that red clay is seen pretty easy and breaks very easy, it doesn't hold much water for very long...

""" the best way for you to do it is to add a thick layer of peat. dig down two feet and fill up 6-10" with just peat that'll soak up a gallon or so of water per area... add a piece of tubing that goes directly to the peat at the bottem. just make sure your planting in a area where you have a short distance or a some what easy way to refill your peat res.

Where I live the natural soil is class C, pretty much all sugar sand... peat keeps my ladies from stayin thirsty and drying out"""
Yea i think im just going to go with that pump like streikr had. Even though i've gotten robbed twice...my next guerilla grow with that chaze is going to be a very secluded place. I wouldn't mind a 20 minute hike if it was once every 2 weeks.