Outdoor Self Sustaining Guerilla Chaze



Hello all, im planning another guerilla grow...problem is i've had the last 2 crops stolen. I swear..im not putting them out in the open or putting them in obvious places...im actually quite paranoid and ninja like when i do my outdoor season..YET i keep getting them stolen. So this year im going to try to make a "self Sustaining" or more specifically a 2 week self sustaining plant.

I was thinking of digging a hole in the ground...putting a big tote or container in the ground that i can either put water into or let the rain water fill. THEN putting a terracotta planter in that. As im told the terracotta planter will wick water from the outside when the soil is dry and blocking out water when there is 2 much in the container.

Bugs are another issue.

Not sure how long sprays like seven last.

any and all ideas welcome.

Thanks AFN!

o and as the title suggests im doing chaze this summer. In the biggest container i can get to unlock the true potential of this strain.
You might want to check this out. https://www.autoflower.org/f42/simple-no-recirculation-hydro-setup-6108.html. I haven't tried it myself but it looks like it might be an effective guerilla setup. Maybe partially bury the containers so they don't tip over when they get light.

I've done many guerilla grows over the years and insects are always a problem, especially spider mites. I've found the best was to keep them in check are weekly sprayings of insecticidal soap. I've used sevin around my plants, but never on them. It would probably be okay when they are young but I certainly wouldn't spray it on the buds. I wouldn't want to be smoking any residue from it.
Awesome thanks muddy. Thats actually a good idea..im wondering if it wouldnt kill the plant though...considering the roots wouldnt be getting any oxygen. Although that does make me wonder if i couldn't rig up a air pump and stone with a small solar panel. I saw a you tube video of this $34 solar panel that powered a 2litre per minute air pump.
That information just came to my attention yesterday so I don't know anyone who has tried it. If you used a garbage can like they suggest, the lids aren't that tight fitting. I think they would allow sufficient air in.

Not sure I'd want a solar panel or a running air stone at a guerilla location. Might draw some unwanted attention. For sure if the choppers flew over it would get their attention.
That information just came to my attention yesterday so I don't know anyone who has tried it. If you used a garbage can like they suggest, the lids aren't that tight fitting. I think they would allow sufficient air in.

Not sure I'd want a solar panel or a running air stone at a guerilla location. Might draw some unwanted attention. For sure if the choppers flew over it would get their attention.

I'll most definitely check in to it. thanks dood

and where i am there are NEVER any choppers lol, but i see what your sayin. The more discreet the better.
A few questions... how old have your plants been when they have been stolen the last 2 year? which country/lat are you at? how fertile is the ground you have been planting in, how well do the weeds (not your smoking weeds :p ) grow there? is it on a hill or flat ground? and rivers or streams close by?
A few questions... how old have your plants been when they have been stolen the last 2 year? which country/lat are you at? how fertile is the ground you have been planting in, how well do the weeds (not your smoking weeds :p ) grow there? is it on a hill or flat ground? and rivers or streams close by?

1 was only 2 months old. The second was half way through flowering and the buds were clipped. Im in the north eastern part of the US. The ground isn't very fertile, though i've always used containers...and the weeds CAN grow here. Depends on the location. And again i have a sizeable area to pick from so it CAN be hilly and it CAN be flat. Not too many rivers around. Some streams though...but streams and small ponds atrract people so i do best to stay away from them