Selecting Proper Breeding Plants

Can’t wait try this :)
I can’t have a lot of mother plants in the house, far too risky but I have been thinking about having several autos outside to find the best outdoor genetics
But I concider to take clones from them and breed this clones for seeds in solo cups at home
Hopefully these lollipop sticks woun’t smell too much making them stealthy, I will try to hide them behind other plants in the balcony or in the greenhouse
That's the reason this method struck me as beneficial. U can play with a diverse genetic genepool in a small area and not give up a whole plant to seeds. Im planning some outdoor super stealth seed runs w clones and stored pollen.
The early traits i pick on are vigor, size ,color, structure, node spacing and knuckling at branch stems , early frost , frost on stems and fans, aroma and flavor of stem when chewed. Etc
I have just started breeding, but I have seeds from an auto hardly smell at all, she also were the fastes seed to germinate and grow in the Zenseed mix(7 seeds, 4 survived)and the most healthy as well
She got pollinated with a Hofman and I will try to hunt the low smelling genes
I think it’s stealthy and neightbour friendly ;)
Hey NastyN8t thanks for a ton of great information. I'm new to this site so its not in my daily cruising yet but I will def check out your other threads. To me Autos are the future... no need for black-out setups, mothers, clones, etc.... running seed to flower every run is the way of conventional AG and will eventually be the way of cannabis all around. I'd be interested to see how many generations it would take for a "stabilized" strain in comparison to the consistency one would expect if you were growing corn or potatoes. I would think it would take 4-5 generations to get to that level of comfort.
Autos are definetly the future of cannabis! F4 and beyond is considered stable w autos Lotsa ppl grow a handful of breeding plants out and pollenate all the potential keepers lower branches only then keep the best ones based on how the top seedless nugs turn out. Its pretty straight forward cannabis breeding in most respects other than u have to stay on top of where in the life cycle the plants are.I cant leave well enough alone and just had to clone to push the potential of what is male plants are my preference for pollen donors. They give the gift that keeps on giving.
Ive been noticing a lot of Auto seeds for sale online are sold as feminized which is annoying. Will have to self any promising females. I've been looking at checking out Mephisto or Fast Buds, who are your favorite breeders out right now?
hey bro, been breeding and growing autos for the past 6 years so I have a bit of experience in this field.

basically just grow out as many females as you can in a season, (pollinate 1 or 2 lower branches early on to allow for seeds to mature) youll have to pollinate them all since you cant go back and try again on a clone (autos dont clone)and then after uve harvested/smoked/recorded all the gals choose seed from your best girl or girl(s) and repeatt the process for a few years till you have a stable line. thats how farmers have done it for thousands of years, there are more advanced tips and procedures i could merntion... but I think this is the answer your after.

femenized is good.

no, successive generations of breeding via feminization (colloidal silver NOT rodelization or other methods) will NOT lead to more frequent hermies or mutations unless your making poor selections in your parent stock. ive seen multiple projects where plants were selfed (femmed and bred to themselves) for multiple generations with no negative effects

hope that helps :)
That helps me thanks :slap: