Selecting Proper Breeding Plants

U can totally clone autos! Its just not common practice. They end up finishing several weeks to a month behind mom which gives a heads up on how things will end up in the end providing an advantage in selection. You can also reverse clones w sts or cs for fem pollen. Taking a cut from each plant reverse and catalog pollen collected.then when u select ur desired breeder mom u can use her stored pollen. I have a thread on breeding w clones and have thousands of beans of over a dozen crosses that started w
gg4 auto clones.i consider this method like Traditional auto breeding w an extra option for the mad scientist types .although it may be impractical compared to tradition it is effective
okay smarty pants, technically you can clone them but if the clone continues flowering it sort of defeats the purpose right?
you can also use invitro micropropogation (tissue culture) to clone them and reverse the age back to day 1/ store them indefinitely.

however... since OP stated that he doesnt know how to breed (My biggest question is how one goes about choosing which females to pollinate?)
I made the assumption that he wants basics.... not advanced tips :)
They do continue to flower but it gives the option to work with a genetic copy of the mother with a time lapse in development and w out sacrficing a whole plant.enough time to see moms end product and still pollenate the delayed clone in time to make seed. So u can selectively breed like Traditional photos w cuts.u can take multiple clones from each plant reverse some polenate others etc.
I don't need anything oversimplified, I appreciate all input. As mentioned, I'm a seasoned grower that has breed plenty of photos and understand the principles. Was just curious of the tricks that Auto guys are using, I have not done feminized or auto work.

So to sum things up : When taking a clone of an auto, the clone will run a month or so behind the mother but still continue to flower. And this will allow you the time to use Silver to harvest pollen from the clone, so that you don't have to Self everything, you can be choosy. How far along do you spray your Silver?
As soon as they show vigor i use sts. U can make multiple crosses from a plant by isolating clones. I have a thread called "anyone try breeding w clones". It has its advantages but its still an evolving method. I have 6 fem seeds left from my favorite cross and want to take it to f2 and make a few other crosses so i plan on hacking them up to clones to demonstrate my proccess
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Lately ive been using a handful of different reg lines im working. I pick the best fem clones based on how mom is looking and throw them in a chamber w a male . clones are generally small in auto form but some will get 2ft tall. I usually get 50- 150 seeds from a clone on the small side.
I don't need anything oversimplified, I appreciate all input. As mentioned, I'm a seasoned grower that has breed plenty of photos and understand the principles. Was just curious of the tricks that Auto guys are using, I have not done feminized or auto work.

So to sum things up : When taking a clone of an auto, the clone will run a month or so behind the mother but still continue to flower. And this will allow you the time to use Silver to harvest pollen from the clone, so that you don't have to Self everything, you can be choosy. How far along do you spray your Silver?
I take my clones from lower branches as soon as they are big enough usually before or around pre flower. U must spray clones to be reversed asap ,like barely rooted to give them time to reverse and drop pollen.
Thanks NastyN8t, I have been thinking about clones and breeding for seeding my self and I am happy to see others having the same idea.

But when it comes to F2 of your favorite strain you will get all kind of crossings, not only your favorite traits, but I guess you already know that

Do you have more treads in this or other forums? I like your ideas :)