Gelato 41 Auto's
Well, after all my ups and downs we got there in the end

For a change, I left all the leaves on my Solo Cup girl when I dried her (won't be doing it again, it was a right pain in the arse to dry trim and it took twice as long to dry) I did it mainly to see if that helps retain the smell any better. It didn't seem to help any, she doesn't smell much stronger than the one I wet trimmed

but they do both smell delicious. In fact they are some of the best smelling strains I've ever had the privilege of growing
So a huge

@Seedstockers-Mark for the opportunity to try such amazingly delicious strains, shame about my little cock up, but hey, we live and learn. I still have one left and I'm looking forward to growing her in a bigger pot next time
Gelato 41 Solo Cup
I am happy to announce, my Solo Cup girl smashed my record and weighed in at a mind blowing
I believe my biggest Solo Cup girl up till then was around the 32g, so happy days

There was so much bud I had to weigh it in two go's :smoking:
Gelato 41 Auto
Semi Potted
As for my 2nd Gelato 41, even though I potted her up, sort of, she still didn't yield as much as the Solo Cup lass

which was a bit of a surprise.
Final weight for her was a measly
I have smoked a fairly large nug already, before I'd weighed it, so u can add another couple of grams on to that :smoking:
So not a bad haul at all, altogether, around 76g ish of great smelling, chunky nugs of happiness
Well that's about it, so till the next time, have fun, grow big and stay high