Indoor Seedlings don't grow and transition to flower prematurely in Airpots

I would look on this website pick someone that has a growing style that is working for them and you can copy. Buy some cheap beans(does not mean they are bad beans) so you are not wasting the good stuff till you get everything in check. If you have 2 lights run at different hieghts and strengths. Seems like a lack of light and maybe Nitrogen, maybe overwatering. Don't get me wrong I have experimented on my own but sometimes it is easier to go with the crowd so you can get solid advice from people which have experience with what you are using and doing.
Did you even read the original post?.... I appreciate the help, and I don't mean to be a turd but I feel like half of the comments thus far (not just yours)
hi gary i dont grow in soil but i do grow in autopots and i think same as proph said they have been badly stunted when they were young also i just feel autopots take away the heavy work of feeding and getting run off out of my tent also maybe your soil is 2 hot for seedlings
Autopots are overkill for the size of the grow space. I had the watering halo's installed but didn't need them because the plant never got big enough to need watering that much yet
Did you even read the original post?.... I appreciate the help, and I don't mean to be a turd but I feel like half of the comments thus far (not just yours)

Autopots are overkill for the size of the grow space. I had the watering halo's installed but didn't need them because the plant never got big enough to need watering that much yet
i wouldn't give up on them bro just make sure you have a good start before turning the res on
There is something geneticaly wrong with them to flower this early.Your better off tossing them and start some fresh seeds.

Agree. That plant won't yield 15 grams dry. Useless to grow that.
Did you even read the original post?.... I appreciate the help, and I don't mean to be a turd but I feel like half of the comments thus far (not just yours)

Autopots are overkill for the size of the grow space. I had the watering halo's installed but didn't need them because the plant never got big enough to need watering that much yet
Gary, I did read your post and I went back and reread it. I read what I wrote to you. Seemed reasonable. Unless I missed it. Do you know the PH of the rainwater? I am just asking because of acid rain issues. In hydro low ph might not be a problem. Just putting my 2 cents in trying to give you something to think about. It sounded like your other photoperiod harvest that the plants in the airpots did not grow well either. I don't think it was necessarily the air pots. Maybe something you are doing in the grow in soil vs hydro. Maybe No4 mix is not the answer for you? I am sorry that I cannot give you an answer on how to correct things. I use fabric pots even outside, but I will tell you I have seen plenty of pictures of big plants in airpots and there is a tree nursery I know that uses them exclusively.