Indoor Seedlings don't grow and transition to flower prematurely in Airpots

I'd bet most of those results were because a grower believed 'light mix' is more ....or less.... than it is. Some seem to have no problem at all.
Air pots don't create or cause explosive growth.. They air prune the roots.. That's it.. Just like a fabric pot.. So expecting some sort of growth increase is unrealistic.. The plants were stunted, most likely due to poor or uneven watering.. When soil compacts, roots die.. Because of all of the access to oxygen, air pots should be kept moist/watered daily.. And kept away from fans.. Most people wrap something around the pot (cover the holes) to slow down the drying out of the soil.. The top soil in the pics looks dry and hard.. I'm sure it's compacted or dried out in the root zone..
Air pots don't create or cause explosive growth.. They air prune the roots.. That's it.. Just like a fabric pot.. So expecting some sort of growth increase is unrealistic.. The plants were stunted, most likely due to poor or uneven watering.. When soil compacts, roots die.. Because of all of the access to oxygen, air pots should be kept moist/watered daily.. And kept away from fans.. Most people wrap something around the pot (cover the holes) to slow down the drying out of the soil.. The top soil in the pics looks dry and hard.. I'm sure it's compacted or dried out in the root zone..
Thank YOU!!!!! This is helpful, I did have a fan/ heater keeping the temp up when it gets really cold and it was blowing the air directly at the pots. I did water once daily, sometimes twice if I noticed a lot of it ran off from the first watering. Either way, I get the compacted soil thing. I have noticed sporadic areas that don't want to soak up water even after having watered the day before. BTW The explosive growth I was expecting was from the air pruned roots. I do have an understanding of what makes the pot different / alike a fabric pot but maybe my expectations were out of line.
Because I need to run my HLG 550V2 rspec 24/7 (for heat and with a mini 400 watt ceramic heater outside my tent) in my basement this winter my Rain Science and Vivosun grow bags are needing some water every day lately. And these plants are 18 to 13 days old. I do run a 46" oscillating tower fan 24/7 too now.

Life was easier using a CMH and photos, in Jan-Feb months,,,,,,,regret using LED this run. Still have the CMH and veg/flower bulbs.

Live and learn/ The LED is better after March till Dec in my situation.......but autos seem to drink more water then photos....just an observation.
Thank YOU!!!!! This is helpful, I did have a fan/ heater keeping the temp up when it gets really cold and it was blowing the air directly at the pots. I did water once daily, sometimes twice if I noticed a lot of it ran off from the first watering. Either way, I get the compacted soil thing. I have noticed sporadic areas that don't want to soak up water even after having watered the day before. BTW The explosive growth I was expecting was from the air pruned roots. I do have an understanding of what makes the pot different / alike a fabric pot but maybe my expectations were out of line.
If water is running off the soil, that means it already too dry. It may take multiple waterings a day to keep it moist all the way through.... Not multiple feedings, but just plain old waterings.. If water just sits on top and takes a few minutes to absorb, that's the start of compaction. Water should immediately absorb or sink into the soil, like it would with sand.. Pruning prevents roots from circling and cutting each other off. I'm not familiar with air pruning increasing the growth rate. I bet if you squeeze the sides of the air pots you'll feel blocks of soil break up..
I would look on this website pick someone that has a growing style that is working for them and you can copy. Buy some cheap beans(does not mean they are bad beans) so you are not wasting the good stuff till you get everything in check. If you have 2 lights run at different hieghts and strengths. Seems like a lack of light and maybe Nitrogen, maybe overwatering. Don't get me wrong I have experimented on my own but sometimes it is easier to go with the crowd so you can get solid advice from people which have experience with what you are using and doing.
If water is running off the soil, that means it already too dry. It may take multiple waterings a day to keep it moist all the way through.... Not multiple feedings, but just plain old waterings.. If water just sits on top and takes a few minutes to absorb, that's the start of compaction. Water should immediately absorb or sink into the soil, like it would with sand.. Pruning prevents roots from circling and cutting each other off. I'm not familiar with air pruning increasing the growth rate. I bet if you squeeze the sides of the air pots you'll feel blocks of soil break up..

In theory, totally agree. But many "airpots" are hard plastic. They can't be squeezed to break up blocks of soil. FABRIC growbags can be squeezed, mesh bags like Rain Science can be also. One reason why people migrated away from hard plastic pots and planters for cannabis.
In theory, totally agree. But many "airpots" are hard plastic. They can't be squeezed to break up blocks of soil. FABRIC growbags can be squeezed, mesh bags like Rain Science can be also. One reason why people migrated away from hard plastic pots and planters for cannabis.
All pots can be squeezed, lol.. It's plastic, not steel. I've had many, and have done it many times. I still have to squeeze my auto pots every now and then..
I'd guess those bumpy types, like I've seen here are a PITA.

I've never used plastic for cannabis tho.......
hi gary i dont grow in soil but i do grow in autopots and i think same as proph said they have been badly stunted when they were young also i just feel autopots take away the heavy work of feeding and getting run off out of my tent also maybe your soil is 2 hot for seedlings