Indoor Seedlings don't grow and transition to flower prematurely in Airpots

I had one that got seriously stressed from light as a seedling that did this. It ended up foxtailing really bad and I threw it all out.
They definitely look like they were stretching, usually means not enough light. I don't know much about that light but I know it's a really nice one. Maybe you weren't giving them enough light? If my seedlings start to get tall and spindly I lower my light. A fan blowing on them help stiffen up the stem.

How old are they anyways?
There is something geneticaly wrong with them to flower this early.Your better off tossing them and start some fresh seeds.
I already plan to toss them and start over in fabric pots for the next round, but this is the second round that has done this now. Each round was to two seeds and both rounds were unique strains. I have germed the same seeds for hydro and have had them flourish so far. The only thing I can think of is something was wrong with the soil or there is an issue with the airpots.
They definitely look like they were stretching, usually means not enough light. I don't know much about that light but I know it's a really nice one. Maybe you weren't giving them enough light? If my seedlings start to get tall and spindly I lower my light. A fan blowing on them help stiffen up the stem.

How old are they anyways?
The level of light was on point. I use HLG's lux conversion chart for their Quantum boards to get a close idea of my par level. When I did go against what I knew to be the correct amount of light for the stage of life the leaves started turning brown and curling up like a taco.
There is something geneticaly wrong with them to flower this early.Your better off tossing them and start some fresh seeds.
Nothing genetically wrong, same seeds germ and thrive in my hydro setup. I have isolated the issue to either the soil I have or the airpots. Every other variable has been tweaked and runs in optimal range.
Rain Science grow bags > plastic airpots anyways.

But that lil plant u have is unique for sure. Never saw anything like it.
I've heard hype on the rain science bags for sure. I went with the airpots because I had seen photographic evidence that they would push my growth fast and bigger. Sadly not the case but I'm moving my next grow to fabric pots again and going back to my roots organic potting soil. I just want to know what is going on and why ya know? Plus those airpots aint cheap either
Nothing genetically wrong, same seeds germ and thrive in my hydro setup. I have isolated the issue to either the soil I have or the airpots. Every other variable has been tweaked and runs in optimal range.
It is not the airpots.
The level of light was on point. I use HLG's lux conversion chart for their Quantum boards to get a close idea of my par level. When I did go against what I knew to be the correct amount of light for the stage of life the leaves started turning brown and curling up like a taco.
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This is off the HLG website. 36 inches is double their suggestion. And then lowering to 18 inches which is twice as close, at once could definitely cause some stress on a seedling.
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This is off the HLG website. 36 inches is double their suggestion. And then lowering to 18 inches which is twice as close, at once could definitely cause some stress on a seedling.
Shouldn't matter how close the light is if the ppfd is in range for the stage of life, which it was. I have grown multiple harvests with this light and how high or low has never had any impact as long as the ppfd was in the correct range. Also, I am only using 2 of the diablo boards (not 4 like the model you listed.) They are running on a 240 watt driver with enough amperage for another two boards if I wanted but I only use the two boards in that tent.