Indoor Seedlings don't grow and transition to flower prematurely in Airpots

Nov 6, 2020
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Hope someone here can clear this up for me, I am dumbfounded at this point!

I have now had 2 sets of autoflower seedlings transition into flower before developing a third, fourth node in soil in Airpots. The soil has been the #4 blend from Nectar for the Gods with regular rainwater and recharge added with a watering after the second week of no growth. Some were meph beans and some rocbud beans so I doubt its my genetics. I'm growing with an hlg diablo 648 and ample exhaust and stable temps in the range of 76f to 82f and a humidifier kicking on to keep a 60% to 65% RH. I've had 5 harvests already (3 in soil and 2 in hydro) some photo and some autoflower. My previous harvest from using the Airpots were photos and I felt like they didn't grow much either when they transitioned to flower. The just mentioned photos were started in regular 1 gal nursery pots and then transfered to the Airpots. I got the Airpots in hopes of quicker more explosive growth but I seem to be getting the opposite result. photos attached of what is currently in the Airpots.


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How high is your light source? They look really spindly and tall to me.
I've transferred every plant for years, autos and photos, into air pots at 10 days old with no issues....I'm in bio bizz light mix, un-amended and nothing but ph or di water for three weeks...just try simple next time.
I've transferred every plant for years, autos and photos, into air pots at 10 days old with no issues....I'm in bio bizz light mix, un-amended and nothing but ph or di water for three weeks...just try simple next time.
I don't know how much more simple I can get than organic soil, rain water and a little recharge after a couple weeks
Certainly some weirdness there. Never saw a seedling flower before.....I didn't think it possible.

Gift it to a friend that likes to mooch off ya.......not worth continuing with that plant, kinda funny to give it to a mooch tho.
Rain Science grow bags > plastic airpots anyways.

But that lil plant u have is unique for sure. Never saw anything like it.
There is something geneticaly wrong with them to flower this early.Your better off tossing them and start some fresh seeds.