Alright, then you participate with your Solocup beans.
Well, it should happen somewhere close and maybe be finished before autumn and 1 update per week would be welcomed, what do you have in mind?
That's a deal!
Alrighty, PM sent...
Pinned you down as seeded!
Send me PM!
Ok, but when did you do that? Cause my box didn't ring with your name?:smoking:
I t agged you
It was at 10.31 pm Friday night, I tagged u in the message earlier,Alright, then you participate with your Solocup beans.
Well, it should happen somewhere close and maybe be finished before autumn and 1 update per week would be welcomed, what do you have in mind?
That's a deal!
Alrighty, PM sent...
Pinned you down as seeded!
Send me PM!
Ok, but when did you do that? Cause my box didn't ring with your name?:smoking: