Ok, lighting up some Strawberry Milkshake bud with a little Strawberyy hash on top
You will love this stuff. Yep, wait for first sign of pistils and then hit them with the softer light. Those reds in there hopefully can trigger those genetics like it did for me. I am fairly confident that is the key to triggering that in the ANQ strain.
Even though I have had great difficulties in my current grow, I did achieve the smaller plants I wanted and with good shape, unfortunately the stunted growth in the beginning has really limited what my yield looks to be. Plus, no Dutch Passion this grow. DP is the best genetics out there, and I think they are quite a bit ahead. I can grow big monsters, even in my hard water, and other genetics really struggle. Mephisto has beeen good as well. The Orange Biscuit from their latest release, is the healthiest looking plant in the tent right now.
Now I finally invested in a complete water treatment system, with both RO water, and mixing that with my tap water which is also filtered with active charcoal, deluxe drinking water system. Now my water is really perfect TBH. So the struggle in this grow was worth the reward of now knowing I have everything in perfect order and all my future grows will be uninhibited by any outside issues. I will grow some lovely little girls next spring. Just trying to get something out of this grow. It won't be much in terms of volume, but should get better quality buds, if I can get the last few weeks dialed in and boost these ladies up!
Good luck man, your off to a great start, and that is huge in the Auto world.

passing one over.