New Grower Second time round, White Cheese experimental grow

Hello all, day 40 for my White Cheese and no problems at all with anything.
Still feeding with Baby Milk Formula only and she is beginning to flower now, lots of bud sites showing due to extreme low stress training. Rapid growth too, haven't measured for height but she is quite wide at 60 cm.
Thanks guys, well, concerning feeding strength..... the instructions on the tin says different amounts for different ages of baby, so I couldn't be arsed working outwith any kind of logical scientific reasoning so I nominated 1 gramme of feed per litre of water, then bearing in mind that auto,s don't like full strength feed I knocked that back to 3.5 g per 5 litres.
Seems to be working ok thus far. This stuff has everything a plant wants, next time shopping have a look at the ingredients in a tin, you will be surprised at the content.
Vitamins A,D,E K,C.
Riboflavin etc
And a whole host of other good shizz.
There is around enough in a 430 g tin to feed a whole field, lol.
However gentlemen , it is true that the "proof of the pudding is in the eating". so Im keen to take my first bite as soon as possible, estimated time of arrival is middle August. That will be the end of week 10 but may take a wee bit longer due to topping and LST?
I would like to see more people taking an interest in this thread but I don't know how to link it into my reply's to others, can any one tell me how, any other advice would be appreciated, thanks
Great thread mate, love seeing people taking a risk and trying something new! I can only post links on my laptop not on mobile. Theres a thread on how to put a link in your signature somewhere in the tech info section!
You deserve some of this:slap:
Great thread mate, love seeing people taking a risk and trying something new! I can only post links on my laptop not on mobile. Theres a thread on how to put a link in your signature somewhere in the tech info section!
You deserve some of this:slap:
Thanks for that Sanguine, will look into it