Extraction Schrooms Questions


AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
I wasn't sure where to post this question... But since schrooms are edible I thought maybe here... Mods feel free to move it if I messed up!

OK my Wife wants to get into making schrooms... We've done some research and saw things about buying the spores, domes, etc... Question is... How do you schroom masters do it? Is there a certain kit she should buy? Best site to get it from? Any start up help would be great!! Thanks to all in advance who give advice! :toke:

We wanna hit them magic mushrooms... no what I'm sayin'? :D
I think the best site to get some spore prints is FreeSporeRingEarth (fsre.nl)
The great thing in that site is they're not interrested in money, you just have to send them enought to send you back a print.
To learn more on mushroom cultivation I suggest you shroomery.? it's a great site, I learnt all from them.
If you have more questions (species, techs i use...), I'm here!
And if you decide to get spores from them don't forget to send them back some prints (easilly made when culture is done) to keep the ring alive!
Mr piggy, you find easilly brf?
I decided to do the pop corn tek cause I didn't find brf!
Yep. I live in a foodie town, brf is a common thing. I'm also gluten intolerant, so I know where to look :D
Ok thanks,
I'm used to the pop corn tech now so I think I'll continue.
Wish you big fat flushes to you two!
Thanks Dondiego! I might be asking you for help later on if that's cool!

Thanks for the link Mr. Piggy!! What's "tek" does that mean technique? I'll check those vids! You may just see me over there at the Shroomery!! The Wife wants me to be the MJ master and she wants to be the Shroom Queen!! LOL So all and any help to get started in the right way is much appreciated!! :bow:
