Salutations everyone!
The present Grow Log actually corresponds to events which took place four months ago, when i wanted to very if i could become self-sufficient. I've explained the circumstances in my introduction.
Here it comes...

Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 10h07
Never before in my life i had grown a single cannabis plant, this one was my very 1st attempt. The seed was re-hydrated in a glass of "vented" water (it didn't drown) for 12 hours in a dark place then i put it between wet sheets of toilet paper, between two plates.
Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 11h37
Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 18h42
Aînée, July 4th 2011, 11h47
Aînée, July 4th 2011, 17h35
Aînée, July 6 2011, 16h59
Aînée, July 7 2011, 17h17
Aînée, July 9 2011, 17h52
Aînée, July 14 2011, 18h28
The purpose of those coloured rocks is multiple. To begin with, these break the fall of water and reduce splashes but it also helps to conserve humidity. A by-product which results from this trick is that light is reflected upwards as well...
Aînée, July 14 2011, 19h55
With the snapshot above we can see my plant while it benefits from the last sun rays of the day. Overall, the sunlight period would last slightly more than 10 hours max. back then (5h in the morning + 4h30 in the after-noon + 1h30 after the after-noon) and only if i cared to move her from one window to the next.
Having a bay-window looking full South would have helped a lot since where i live mother nature won't provide more than 16 hours of daylight on June 21st in an open field. But... Window growing implies that all sorts of obstacles are most likely to shorten this amount considerably, so... Considering that June 21st is the "longest" day of the year it's clear there's no other time when it reaches beyond 16 hours throughout the year.
Aînée, July 15 2011, 17h00
Cadette, July 15 2011, 17h31
For my second germination i used demineralized water found at the Walmart drug store.
Cadette, July 16 2011, 23h29
The photograph above shows my Cadette once she was done being germinated for 30 hours, after i left her in a glass of water for 16 hours.
Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59
Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59
Aînée, July 17 2011, 18h07
This double picture was meant to demonstrate how effective a reflective panel might prove to be... I never stopped using it since then!
Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59
Because of my lack of experience i thought she was about to bloom but that wasn't the case just yet...
Cadette, July 18 2011, 17h39
Cadette, July 18 2011, 17h48
Here we can recognize my Cadette after she had gone through 3 days of germination.
Cadette, July 18 2011, 18h23
The vulnerability of a plant i still admire on occasions today...
Aînée, July 18 2011, 20h53
Cadette, July 18 2011, 23h50
5 hours after she was installed in her final home.
Cadette, July 19 2011, 13h32
18 hours after her installation.
Aînée, July 21 2011, 15h44
Cadette, July 21 2011, 15h50
Cadette, July 22 2011, 16h59
Aînée, July 23 2011, 16h00
Aînée, July 24 2011, 9h01
Forget the chronological order for one second, to compare these two (above & below).
Aînée, July 25 2011, 1h47
Aînée, July 25 2011, 16h22
The signal seemed clear to me, at last. I had been waiting for it impatiently!
Aînée, July 25 2011, 16h31
Aînée, July 26 2011, 18h29
After a cloudy day, no displacements between windows whatsoever... Go figure!
Aînée, July 25 2011, 1h47
Cadette, July 26 2011, 18h32
Aînée, July 27 2011, 1h23
Aînée, July 27 2011, 14h50
Aînée, July 27 2011, 21h14 + July 28 2011, 2h37
The "umbrella syndrome"...
Aînée & Cadette, July 29 2011, 16h41
Cadette, July 29 2011, 16h53
Benjamine, August 1st 2011, 0h04
Poor lady, she was about to endure an experiment consisting in using "percolated" water... Thinking a lower pH might help. Well, plants ain't alone to thrive on nitrates (plant nutrients), it appears!
Benjamine, August 1st 2011, 15h37
The image above reminds me that i suspected my seed could be in grave danger after i saw this. It wasn't clear to me how to react right away as i had never observed anything similar before. So, i kept waiting for a while!
Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 15h50
Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 15h50
Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 16h26
Ouch! We'd really think that's some kind of glue! Oh and the smell was so gross (like fungi on one's feet)!...
Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 16h33
I would have bet there was some rotten crust on my seed!...

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 18h34
End of cheese cultivation, it was about time to plant that seed in her last home!
Aînée, August 3rd 2011, 18h48
Oh yeah! Go for it girl!!!

Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, August 3rd 2011, 20h27
After they were all set for good.
Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 3h25
Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 3h26
Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 17h40
Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 18h11
Aînée, August 24 2011, 15h21
At a later time in the future i was going to get a total of about 28 more like those!
Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, August 31 2011, 10h07
Aînée, August 31 2011, 10h25
Boy do i love the flowering season (which made me worry with apprehension before it started, because i wanted a "stealthy" strain - without a harsh smell)!
Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 3rd 2011, 11h35
Aînée, September 3rd 2011, 15h32
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h29
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Aînée, September 9 2011, 17h01
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 17h01
Aînée, September 13 2011, 10h20
No that's not the whole harvest: i was only sampling, in order to evaluate maturity!...
Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 14 2011, 16h12
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 14 2011, 16h12
Aînée, September 15 2011, 19h50
Perpetual harvesting experiment (before).
Aînée, September 15 2011, 19h50
Perpetual harvesting experiment (after).
Aînée, September 15 2011, 23h12
Perpetual harvesting experiment (sampling)...
Aînée/Cadette/Benjamine, September 16 2011, 9h06
Those numbers showed that nitrates were being consumed...
Aînée (~½) + Cadette (*~½), September 18 2011, 23h36
There it was at last: my very 1st partial harvest seen through a Mason jar, proving it was reasonable to believe i could become self-sufficient, by cultivating cannabis behind a window! Only the tops (both from my Aînée & Cadette) were cut so far, hoping the rest would continue to develop... Back then i felt concerned that one plant was going to be past done while her sister still needed some more time to get there.
Benjamine, Cadette, Aînée, September 19 2011, 15h23
Because of the fact that flowering hormones are said to come from the top i sort of experienced some reluctance to cut... But i did.
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine, Cadette, Aînée, September 19 2011, 15h23
Benjamine, September 23 2011, 15h57
Aînée, September 25 2011, 17h40 & 17h41
Perpetual harvesting experiment (re-growth). This was one of my initial attempts at taking composite pictures.
Cadette, September 26 2011, 13h38
Aînée, September 26 2011, 14h12
Benjamine, September 26 2011, 15h20
More harvest, September 27 2011, 10h51
Benjamine, October 1st 2011, 15h48
Oh my goodness, a bad accident happened: my UVB lamp fell on her!...
By chance i had something on a shelf which allowed me to handle this critical situation:
Benjamine, October 1st 2011, 17h43
Sometimes it takes what it takes!
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h05
Then she regained a whealthy state...
S L O W L Y . . .
But at least i knew she was saved (yet the damage was done).
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h16
Patience & effort pay, eventually...
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h26
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h54
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h57
Well, it's too bad because "autos" like this one don't live long. The time required for her to recover was lost forever and my fears were confirmed here:
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 15h32
Benjamine, October 15 2011, 15h43
This jar above contained a mere 8 grams of buds only, direct from the tree... More than ever being a vaporist proved to be a major asset!
So, the conclusion is to be careful with extreme pinching when dealing with an "auto" such as the AM2!!!
If at least i could have captured my trichromes correctly using my newly acquired Celestron microscope:
But no, that thing will never let me have that, ever!

Cadette, October 27 2011, 14h52
Not too conventional for an experiment, hey?!
Guess what!
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine, October 30 2011, 14h18
Ain't she nice: it must be her farewell present!... Now that's really cute!!!

Cadette, October 30 2011, 15h41

The present Grow Log actually corresponds to events which took place four months ago, when i wanted to very if i could become self-sufficient. I've explained the circumstances in my introduction.
Here it comes...

Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 10h07
Never before in my life i had grown a single cannabis plant, this one was my very 1st attempt. The seed was re-hydrated in a glass of "vented" water (it didn't drown) for 12 hours in a dark place then i put it between wet sheets of toilet paper, between two plates.

Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 11h37

Aînée, July 3rd 2011, 18h42

Aînée, July 4th 2011, 11h47

Aînée, July 4th 2011, 17h35

Aînée, July 6 2011, 16h59

Aînée, July 7 2011, 17h17

Aînée, July 9 2011, 17h52

Aînée, July 14 2011, 18h28
The purpose of those coloured rocks is multiple. To begin with, these break the fall of water and reduce splashes but it also helps to conserve humidity. A by-product which results from this trick is that light is reflected upwards as well...

Aînée, July 14 2011, 19h55
With the snapshot above we can see my plant while it benefits from the last sun rays of the day. Overall, the sunlight period would last slightly more than 10 hours max. back then (5h in the morning + 4h30 in the after-noon + 1h30 after the after-noon) and only if i cared to move her from one window to the next.
Having a bay-window looking full South would have helped a lot since where i live mother nature won't provide more than 16 hours of daylight on June 21st in an open field. But... Window growing implies that all sorts of obstacles are most likely to shorten this amount considerably, so... Considering that June 21st is the "longest" day of the year it's clear there's no other time when it reaches beyond 16 hours throughout the year.

Aînée, July 15 2011, 17h00

Cadette, July 15 2011, 17h31
For my second germination i used demineralized water found at the Walmart drug store.

Cadette, July 16 2011, 23h29
The photograph above shows my Cadette once she was done being germinated for 30 hours, after i left her in a glass of water for 16 hours.

Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59

Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59

Aînée, July 17 2011, 18h07
This double picture was meant to demonstrate how effective a reflective panel might prove to be... I never stopped using it since then!

Aînée, July 17 2011, 17h59
Because of my lack of experience i thought she was about to bloom but that wasn't the case just yet...

Cadette, July 18 2011, 17h39

Cadette, July 18 2011, 17h48
Here we can recognize my Cadette after she had gone through 3 days of germination.

Cadette, July 18 2011, 18h23
The vulnerability of a plant i still admire on occasions today...

Aînée, July 18 2011, 20h53

Cadette, July 18 2011, 23h50
5 hours after she was installed in her final home.

Cadette, July 19 2011, 13h32
18 hours after her installation.

Aînée, July 21 2011, 15h44

Cadette, July 21 2011, 15h50

Cadette, July 22 2011, 16h59

Aînée, July 23 2011, 16h00

Aînée, July 24 2011, 9h01
Forget the chronological order for one second, to compare these two (above & below).

Aînée, July 25 2011, 1h47
And now, i invite the readers to enjoy this entertaining interlude:
Aînée, July 24 2011, 8h25
Laides and gentlemen... Please welcome the delicious AutoMaria II, our featured star tonight!!!
And now, i invite the readers to enjoy this entertaining interlude:

Aînée, July 24 2011, 8h25
Laides and gentlemen... Please welcome the delicious AutoMaria II, our featured star tonight!!!

Aînée, July 25 2011, 16h22
The signal seemed clear to me, at last. I had been waiting for it impatiently!

Aînée, July 25 2011, 16h31

Aînée, July 26 2011, 18h29
After a cloudy day, no displacements between windows whatsoever... Go figure!

Aînée, July 25 2011, 1h47

Cadette, July 26 2011, 18h32

Aînée, July 27 2011, 1h23

Aînée, July 27 2011, 14h50

Aînée, July 27 2011, 21h14 + July 28 2011, 2h37
The "umbrella syndrome"...

Aînée & Cadette, July 29 2011, 16h41

Cadette, July 29 2011, 16h53

Benjamine, August 1st 2011, 0h04
Poor lady, she was about to endure an experiment consisting in using "percolated" water... Thinking a lower pH might help. Well, plants ain't alone to thrive on nitrates (plant nutrients), it appears!

Benjamine, August 1st 2011, 15h37
The image above reminds me that i suspected my seed could be in grave danger after i saw this. It wasn't clear to me how to react right away as i had never observed anything similar before. So, i kept waiting for a while!

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 15h50

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 15h50

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 16h26
Ouch! We'd really think that's some kind of glue! Oh and the smell was so gross (like fungi on one's feet)!...

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 16h33
I would have bet there was some rotten crust on my seed!...

Benjamine, August 3rd 2011, 18h34
End of cheese cultivation, it was about time to plant that seed in her last home!

Aînée, August 3rd 2011, 18h48
Oh yeah! Go for it girl!!!

Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, August 3rd 2011, 20h27
After they were all set for good.

Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 3h25

Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 3h26

Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 17h40

Benjamine, August 4th 2011, 18h11

Aînée, August 24 2011, 15h21
At a later time in the future i was going to get a total of about 28 more like those!

Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, August 31 2011, 10h07

Aînée, August 31 2011, 10h25
Boy do i love the flowering season (which made me worry with apprehension before it started, because i wanted a "stealthy" strain - without a harsh smell)!

Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 3rd 2011, 11h35

Aînée, September 3rd 2011, 15h32

Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h29

Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14

Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 15h14

Aînée, September 9 2011, 17h01
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Aînée, September 9 2011, 17h01

Aînée, September 13 2011, 10h20
No that's not the whole harvest: i was only sampling, in order to evaluate maturity!...

Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 14 2011, 16h12
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine/Cadette/Aînée, September 14 2011, 16h12

Aînée, September 15 2011, 19h50
Perpetual harvesting experiment (before).

Aînée, September 15 2011, 19h50
Perpetual harvesting experiment (after).

Aînée, September 15 2011, 23h12
Perpetual harvesting experiment (sampling)...

Aînée/Cadette/Benjamine, September 16 2011, 9h06
Those numbers showed that nitrates were being consumed...

Aînée (~½) + Cadette (*~½), September 18 2011, 23h36
There it was at last: my very 1st partial harvest seen through a Mason jar, proving it was reasonable to believe i could become self-sufficient, by cultivating cannabis behind a window! Only the tops (both from my Aînée & Cadette) were cut so far, hoping the rest would continue to develop... Back then i felt concerned that one plant was going to be past done while her sister still needed some more time to get there.

Benjamine, Cadette, Aînée, September 19 2011, 15h23
Because of the fact that flowering hormones are said to come from the top i sort of experienced some reluctance to cut... But i did.
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine, Cadette, Aînée, September 19 2011, 15h23

Benjamine, September 23 2011, 15h57

Aînée, September 25 2011, 17h40 & 17h41
Perpetual harvesting experiment (re-growth). This was one of my initial attempts at taking composite pictures.
Cadette, September 26 2011, 13h38

Aînée, September 26 2011, 14h12

Benjamine, September 26 2011, 15h20

More harvest, September 27 2011, 10h51

Benjamine, October 1st 2011, 15h48
Oh my goodness, a bad accident happened: my UVB lamp fell on her!...
By chance i had something on a shelf which allowed me to handle this critical situation:

Benjamine, October 1st 2011, 17h43
Sometimes it takes what it takes!

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h05
Then she regained a whealthy state...
S L O W L Y . . .
But at least i knew she was saved (yet the damage was done).

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h16
Patience & effort pay, eventually...

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h26

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h54

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 14h57
Well, it's too bad because "autos" like this one don't live long. The time required for her to recover was lost forever and my fears were confirmed here:

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 15h32

Benjamine, October 15 2011, 15h43
This jar above contained a mere 8 grams of buds only, direct from the tree... More than ever being a vaporist proved to be a major asset!

So, the conclusion is to be careful with extreme pinching when dealing with an "auto" such as the AM2!!!
If at least i could have captured my trichromes correctly using my newly acquired Celestron microscope:
But no, that thing will never let me have that, ever!

Cadette, October 27 2011, 14h52
Not too conventional for an experiment, hey?!
Guess what!
Click on the link below to zoom in!
Benjamine, October 30 2011, 14h18
Ain't she nice: it must be her farewell present!... Now that's really cute!!!


Cadette, October 30 2011, 15h41