Indoor Santa and afghan kush ryder "stealth" grow + application of BAP



Posting on a phone sure does suck, this is attempt number three...

This is my first real grow and I'm very excited! first things first, I have a set of goals that I hope to achieve with this grow:

1) Stealth is essential; smell, noise, light and overall appearance
2) Yield at least 0.5 oz of mid grade bud
3) Seed to harvest in no more than 75 days
4) Utilize training and BAP to stretch all branches out, SCROG
5a) Use GA3 or collodial silver to produce pollen for making feminised seeds
5b) if possible use above method to self fertilize some of the buds resulting in some feminised seeds.
6) Keep overall plant height at a minimum (10" total head room)
7) Try not too harvest early...

So those are my goals, number 5a and especially 5b are by far what I need the most help on.

I have one Himalaya Blue Diesel female seed. I also have a female afghan kush ryder as a back up. If all else fails I have two regular short riders and one regular flash brand santa. I live in an apartment and am only growing for myself.

I have finished the stealth grow box I will be using. Its an 18gal sterilite green plastic container measuring 22 inches long 16 inches wide and 16 inches tall. The inside was painted with one can of flat black spray paint then 2 cans of flat white spray paint, I should have used higher quality paint because it is easily damaged, next time specialty plastic spray paint first. However not a bit of light escapes, I can't tell the difference between lights on and off!

There is a 3" wide and 6" tall rectangular hole in the bottom right (viewing the tote with its length facing). At the top left of the box a computer fan (35cfm I think) is running 24/7. The fan seems to be adequate.

Lighting is 4 light fixtures, one in each corner of the lid. In each of these is a Y socket giving me room for 8 bulbs total. I used 8 26w soft white CFL's giving a total of 208 watts. At about 1500 lumens each that's 12000 lumens total. The area at the bottom of the grow box is about 2.5 square feet, but I'm only growing one plant in there so this should be enough light correct?

The lights are connected to a digital timer to be set on 20/4 from beginning to end. The timer and the fan are connected to a remote switch that works as far as 300 yards away($6). With this I should be able to turn it off in case of any unwanted visitors. Also am considering a switch on the closet door that would turn the setup off when the door is opened, in case I'm not around when unwanted visitors enter. I live in an apartment, I'm paranoid!

Since the total height of the container is only 16" I decided to use a shallow (6" tall) rectangular black plastic container with added drainage holes as a pot . The total volume is about 10L, there is 1" of lava rock on the bottom and 8L of fox farm ocean forest atop that. Does anyone think there will be a problem with the pot? Roots grow down as well as out, it shouldn't make a difference as long as the volume is adequate right? (I've heard between 1 and 3 gal for autos).

When I return from my trip on the 18th ill germinate the HBD using the paper towel method. Lately for other seeds I've been using water saturated silica gel and just plopping the seeds in there. This way there's nothing for the new roots to adhere to like they do with paper towels. The silica gel is well washed kitty litter, think I should try it?
The germinated seed will go into a peat pellet that will be placed immediately into the soil in the grow box. Considering the veg stage is so short and those peat pellets aren't super high quality soil, should I just plant straight in the soil instead?

I don't plan to use any nutes until 2 weeks from germination because I've heard ffof is pretty hot as is. Once its time for nutes ill use blooming nutes only. I may try molasses as well bit I need to read into that more. I don't want to buy any of those expensive fox farm nutes, any common products that should work well enough? Anything with Phosphorus as the greatest number should be good right? Any cheap and easy recommendations for other additives at this point?

I hope to bend all shoots from the plant to horizontal (top as well) in order to utilize the 2.5 square feet of space I have. At an as of yet undecided plant age a concentration of BAP will be sprayed over the entire plant. This should cause plenty of new shoot growth and help destroy atypical dominance. Its like topping the plant without actually damaging it. I've read, though only once (can't find much on bap and weed) that it can significantly increase the mass of the buds. More research is needed, anyone with experience or any knowledge on the subject please chime in.

the part of this grow I am most unsure of is the production of feminised seed utilizing this plant alone. I know its possible to use GA3 or collodial silver to produce male organs on the treated areas. Then the resulting pollen can be used to fertilize a female plant resulting in feminised seeds. However I'm curious about producing pollen from this grows HBD and then using it to fertilize a portion of its OWN buds.

I need to do more reading on this, though considering I'm dealing with an autoflowering plant any input would be soooo greatly appreciated. I'm concerned that by the time the GA3 or CS treatment results in pollen it will be too late to produce viable seeds.

If not, I could do lower branches only, harvest the seedless bud when I usually would leaving only the pregnant branches intact. I'm so confused on the timing, help!!!! (Please)

So ill be posting pictures ASAP. My setup was made on a very small budget, regardless of its appearance I hope I can meet all my goals!

On the 12th I placed 6 klip dagga (lions tail) seeds straight into a small container with fox farm soil, misted it very well, placed on the clear lid and put it in the grow box. Should be a good test to make the Hbd run Smoother. Great marijuana stand in and disguise.

Thanks for the help everyone, and sorry I type so much...
this one will be shorter...

using the paper towel method i started one female hbd at 10pm on 1-18-2011. it has swollen up but has not yet cracked. the container it is in is in a bucket of damp silica atop a heating pad on the second (changed to 1st today) lowest setting. im starting to get a little concerned, but ill wait till one week gas passed before i try anything.

Ok side note: to test my grow space i planted some lions tail seeds in the soil. WONDERFUL TEST METHOD! very cheap seeds hat grow just like pot, its enabled me to test the grow space without wasting seed. as of now they are vert healthy, green and short! id recomend this test method to anyone growing for the first time!
forgot to mention, my temp hovers between 83 an 88 with a 5 day max of 92 and min of 78. does this sound too high? im using a remote thermometer, only cost $6! im also thinking about adding a uva light, anyone try this?
grow box unfinished picture update

Ok here are the pictures of my "stealth" grow box. i know things are very messy at the moment, its inside my closet where i grow plenty of legal plants. Usually there is a fan and a heater atop the green rubbermaid making it look less suspicious. The only unfinished part in this growbox are the two light blockers for the air inlet and exhaust. as you can see on the right and left of the box there is a lot of light escaping, i just need to install the two contraptions i made earlier today and walla no light leaks! will post pics​

1 22 2011 unfinished light block closed.jpg

Here the grow box is open, thats 7x 26w 6500K CFL, 8L fox farm ocean forest, a remote thermometer sensor and in the center is a small container with some newly sprouted lions tail which serve as great test plants.​

1 22 2011 unfinished open.jpg
The lions tail is also in fox farm ocean forest soil and they sprouted while in this grow box. Lions tail or wild dagga grows just like weed so its been a wonderful way to test out my box.​

so yeah there it is. i should have the light blockers installed tonight. my single hbd female seed has finally cracked and the root is now visible, just waiting for it to stretch out from the seed shell then it goes in right where the lions tail is currentley.​

Very cheap grow setup, cost less than $30 with everything but the hbd seed. the muffin fan was taken from a broken computer, free.​

its ugly but it looks like it will work! any feedback is very welcome! :toke:
sounds good mate, keep us posted. :D

Make sure when making fem seeds, you pollenate another plant with the pollen.Not the plant that grew the nanners.
hey thanks for the reply! whats the reasoning behind not self pollinating when making fem seeds?
Sound quite ambitious....looking forward to hearing more results....good growing to ya.
well i started the single hbd seed on the 18th, its swelled and cracked but as of this morning nothing new.

so out of excitment and worry i decided to start my free world of seeds afghan kush ryder female. what do i do if they both end up sprouting? 2 gallons of soil for two plants would really hurt yield. if it where warmer outside id just put one of em out.

im so impatient
the humidity is in such flux at the moment im working oon getting it solid. ecspecially after hearing that cool temps can help express colored phenos, ive been working on getting a constant lower temp. its a solid 75 +/- 3 F. the outside temp here is as low as -10f up to 50f and the snow has really been coming and going.

thanks for the input, finished grow box pics soon to come. the lions tail already has its second set of true leaves! they are so happy
If you herm a plant and pollinate itself, you have a higher risk of herm traits in the offspring. If you take female pollen and dust a girl that didn't herm. You get female seeds, but less risk of high % herm plants in the offspring.

That plant you spray with CS, will be a write off for smoke, seeds, what ever. It might as well be a male.