Hey Mossy, just wanted to congratulate you on your new farm :Cool bud:

You seem to be living my pipe dream, good luck and good vibes sent your way
Happy New Year Guys....:hug::hug::hug:..the year of the Farm has Started...:dance2:

My only concern with a sun deck is hubby that far off the ground :grin: Just saying he has trouble at ground level :rofl:

You got it..I missed the paint pot...And..he cut a groove down a finger with the Grinder...:slaps:..lucky I had taken iodine and plasters down there yesterday.


Is that a small couch or a dog bed in front of the porch

Now I know me and the other 'alf aren't Tall..but even our butts would be dragging the ground on that...:grin:..it is the dog bed...our young dog has a long neck so we Thought she would appreciate the higher cushion at the back..but she is so OCD she won't use it.

She doesn't Like the other one either...:dunno:..dogs..huh..?


The Cat on the other hand has very quickly adapted to the catbox we got it and is normally still in it every morning when we go down there.
Probably something to do with the sardines/tuna/ham it gets with it's dried food now...:coffee2:

if I dont see the sun soon.... I'm gonna punch a dolphin in the mouth! :cuss:

:crying: Only You could wanna punch a Dolphin JM....but I get you..afternoons on the patio are my battery recharge point..I can Feel the difference.

Random unnecessary fyi lol

I Like randon unnecessary Anthropolis..you Learn stuff...:tiphat:

JM..Stoner point..I'm having an upside down patio...:brow:

I got a roll of astro turf and we realised it would be crack on for the shading on the pergola...but we are going to turn it upside down and have the Grass on the inside..so it will Look as it you have the grass in the sky...:devil:..Now get Stoned.....:Woozy..?::Woozy..?:..whew..trippy..:Hookah:....I was floating....upside down....:crying:
:smokeit: I love it!!

"punch a dolp[hin in the mouth" is actually the title of a book... :crying:

i'd never hit a dolphin.... but yo might find me at sea riding one bare-bottomed! :crying:
Meanwhile back on the Ranch..:coffee2:..today was another blue sky day.

Got some more rosemary cuttings done while I waited for the sun to warm up enough to get my jacket off..or you just know I would get it covered paint.

Both me hands are green now..but I hate working in gloves.

This morning I was sipping coffee watching the shadows move round the garden watching for dappled but not too cold shade for the cuttings when I spotted the middle kennel..(..now known as Mossys potting shed/cold house...)


The shadow started to leave the ground @ 10 am..but still had a small shaded area @ 2.30 pm..and I realised...roof it with some of those clear plastic corrugated sheets and I have the possibility of a hardening off/clone house/potting shed...:grin:..hubby has a grump on about it..but..

he Knows I'm going to get it....

Common sense..it will be Cheaper in the long run than the greenhouse I'm going to Whine for....




Even the 3 walls gives a bit of weather protections..so all the clones have been moved In already.

Got another panel on the pergola done in the afternoon.

Hubby bought a thermometer for the patio..it was 30 'C when we left @ 2.30 pm...we went home..put the central heating on coz we were feeling the chill..after 30minutes heating the house was 18'C inside...:Wind Chilllll..:

We went back down to the Ranch @ 4 pm to drop the compost off..and it was peaking @ 32'C on the patio.

I knew it was hotter down there..but even I was surprised by how much...:jaw:..I Love my new patio.."pher Wiggle"..free vitaminD.

i'd never hit a dolphin.... but yo might find me at sea riding one bare-bottomed! :crying:

I swear..I Think the dolphin would probably be Happier if you just Hit it and got it over with....:Haha:
That's what Dolph Lundgren's parents figured too. Mom was a dolphin of course.

How ya figure he ended up with the name Dolph? Coincidence? No way...
Hubby bought a thermometer for the patio..it was 30 'C when we left @ 2.30 pm...we went home..put the central heating on coz we were feeling the chill..after 30minutes heating the house was 18'C inside...:Wind Chilllll..:

We went back down to the Ranch @ 4 pm to drop the compost off..and it was peaking @ 32'C on the patio.

I knew it was hotter down there..but even I was surprised by how much...:jaw:..I Love my new patio.."pher Wiggle"..free vitaminD.

The reason for the patio thermometer showing such a high temp compared to inside , is most likely due to the outdoor thermometer being in direct sun and being warmed by it's infra red rays .

when temperatures are measured outdoors, the thermometer need to be taken in the shade with adequate airflow {not a sealed box which would also heat up and give an incorrect reading}.

Place the thermometer in the shade away from direct sunlight on a table or a wall.

If you have Stevenson screen place it there if not just hang it up in a shady part of the garden.
The box is designed to let the air outside it reach the thermometers.

A Stevenson Screen.
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Meanwhile back at the Ranch..:grin:

Cheers Arty..you really are the font of all information...:tiphat:..I wasn't getting that complicated..I was just pointing out to hubby that we had the central heating bleezing away costing money at home for less heat than we were getting down there for free...:grin:

The Home weather station is in the shade on a north facing wall.

I took the weather station with the wind/rain meters on down to the Ranch but it looks as if the wind meter part isn't working..:slaps:..it is old and a bit rusty round the edges..like it's owner...

I can't see me getting another one anytime soon..no frivolous money spare ATM...

(although saying that I did pre-order a tree face...I couldn't resist..I just hope it doesn't come in stock for a while...)

The potting shed/cold house...when I get some panels for the roof...use your imagination for now..


6m x 5m..

JM..I'm Thinking if I have the cheapo tunnel and this covered as a hardening off area I should have more than ample for the first year....:dunno:..do you Think..?

thank you for the laugh... needed that today...

Bad Day...?...:hug:..have a Big Hug..you Know it will make you Feel better.

come to think of it... that seems to be the general consensus for a long time running now...

One day your Princess will arrive JM....."MysticMossy"..I can Feel it in me watter..

We did nothing today..I declared a day of rest..:grin:..hubbys ankle was going off..no point aggrevating it..there is no hurry.

Tomorrow is half a red day..half a bank holiday..early closing..then Tuesday is Spanish Christmas..so it is a full shopping close down.

After that we will probably get out and get the corrugated roof panels coz we'll need to get them delivered.

We went to the auction rooms Saturday..we'd seen a nice commercial cooker that I would have Loved for an outdoor kitchen..but two business guys were trying to out bid each other on it..so it went way beyond our price range..I would have Loved it..but hey ho..there will be more.

Saw a Lot of garden tools which were going to rock bottom prices..so I Think Thursday is going to turn into auction Viewing day when we need any tools...:grin: