Meanwhile...back on the Ranch....."pher Wiggle"..still can't Believe I get to say that...."pher Wiggle"

we started unwrapping our Christmas Prezzie...we took the shading off to allow the frame to dry out in prep to putting wood preservative on.

Bloody expensive stuff over here...we checked a few places out...:no:..and they were all the same.

I tried getting if from Amazon in the UK but no one would post we paid..or we would be holding the job up.

We have Christmas/New Year then Spanish Christmas 6th if we didn't..we would just be sitting around twiddling our thumbs.


The mornings are everywhere the shading has been the wood is really damp.
Fingers crossed that the warm afternoons hold and we get a chance to paint it afore the Jan/ February rains.

In summer that shaded area will be my drying area.
Might as well sun dry when I will be cool and dark with good airflow...and ready made frame to Hang chillies from.

Discussing the shading..we realise that it is always going to attract moisture for the wood...but I was saying..cough..cough....
if we Roofed it with Decking....:brow:..we could have a nice little sun terrace on top.

Set of ready made wooden stairs up....and the decking frame is there..just put wood up instead of shading screen.

After hubby came around from his faint....:no:..he could kind of See the idea.


The farm land around us is really nice..and you'd get the sunsets over the mountains like we do from the house.

Job to Think about for further along the journey..get the basics in first.

We got the tap connector on and the power washer sparked up.
We Thought we were going to have to paint the cabin..but I Think the power washer might have saved us a job...


The paint work is coming up like can see the difference down the side and under the window on the left.


This is the amount of hardware hubby had to remove to get the cover off....he was cussing at every one..getting rusty screws out of hardwood is not the Best...Thank Heavens for power tools or it would have taken days.

After the first night we knew we had the cat it got a foam bed to lie on...two nights ago it was only 5C..the cat now has a nice little cat box with flap front to go in if it is cold...:wiggle:..I don't know what hubby is going to say when we go in one morning and find 6 little kittens in it though..:jaw: ..I don't Think he has noticed yet..coz he is calling it Clarence..someone told him you can only get Ginger Tom cats..:dunno:..but I'm sure when it rolled on it's back it looked like a lady to me.

I suppose we will soon find out.

Today was a glorious blue sky 16'C..fingers crossed the same for tomorrow.
I have power hosed the BBQ off.

Christmas Dinner...:grin:
Now I've never heard that about cats only ever heard that calico cats are all female

Easy way to tell is scratch them at the base of the tail then just look :grin:

The pressure washer did a good job :clap:

My only concern with a sun deck is hubby that far off the ground :grin: Just saying he has trouble at ground level :rofl:

Merry Christmas mossy :Sharing One:

Is that a small couch or a dog bed in front of the porch
As owner of several calico cats, they're always female because the genetic coding for calico is on the X chromosome and it has to be dominant to express, so thus only on XX thus only females. There are occasionally a male that gets a calico coat but they end up being sterile and can't breed. /Random unnecessary fyi lol

Now I've never heard that about cats only ever heard that calico cats are all female

Easy way to tell is scratch them at the base of the tail then just look :grin:

The pressure washer did a good job :clap:

My only concern with a sun deck is hubby that far off the ground :grin: Just saying he has trouble at ground level :rofl:

Merry Christmas mossy :Sharing One:

Is that a small couch or a dog bed in front of the porch
Today was a glorious blue sky 16'C..fingers crossed the same for tomorrow.
I have power hosed the BBQ off.

shit... send some here... raining and pissy for over 2 weeks... if I dont see the sun soon.... I'm gonna punch a dolphin in the mouth! :cuss:

just relit furnaces for greenhouse and home.... after 1.5 hours of standing in the rain trying to get some effing flame on... I'm no in a great christmassy mood... If I ever get a hold of a chemtrail pilot... it'll be a slow and painful death for him...

mossy... things are really comin' together!!! awesome!!! :dance2:

I knew you'd take a sweet kitty in and love her or him... :) :kitty:
Hop digity:Cheers::Sharing One:
Meanwhile back at the Ranch....1st January..start of a new growing year..and my head is full of Dreams already.

Look at this...Look at the sky I bought....:coffee2:


That cloud is sitting over the shallows of the sea to the east..we see it most mornings and it soon burns off..Unless it is a Thunderstorm sitting off..then it sucks up more and more water and you Know you are in for a drenching..But..not today....:Ohmmm.......:

Today it burnt off and led the way for beautiful Blue the peak of the afternoon the weather station was reading 29.6 C as the "feelable" was Glorious.
I was in shorts and T-shirt by the afternoon..and me beloved flip-flops.

We power sprayed all the timber framework off a few days ago and it has dried out we started the wood preservative work today..I have a lovely green hand..:grin:.

I got the first panel on the bottom done..hubby started the Roof ones..we worked in separate Way am I working under him..he is so Accident Prone..

and sure enough it was sensible coz he dropped his expected..Luckily it was nearly empty but he had no dust sheets out..:slaps:

Spent about an hour each on it..we'll do one panel a day..then we won't get sickened..there is no Rush...

I got the west side of the chalet power washed..and got myself 18 cuttings off my rosemary..slight water..popped them in the dappled shade under the apple tree and fingers crossed they are the start of my Grow your Own Farm..



The smell with a warm afternoon and me stripping the lower leaves to pop bare stalk in the soils was Bliss...:Ohmmm.......:

I'm taking the narrow clay pot down is a better shape for taking the cuttings off the trailing rosemary...sigh..more Bliss tomorrow...
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