If my memory serves me correct I believe JM lives way north of the affected area. Like several states away
Cheers teflondummy..I never check addys when I post.
wayyyyy far north of him! but we had some INTENSE t-storms come through in the last few days... remnants o what he got hit with!
Good..that saves worrying about you then...
Did you have a look at TD's girls..they have spots...?
"Yeah you lived another year! Congrats!"
Ha..we actually have one of those today...
the Mom that was ill earlier in the year..93 today..
we didn't think she was gonna see it...
My ex threw me a surprise b-day party one year - it was a trainwreck. Long story short - she apologized & realized it was a bad idea after the fact...
Ooooowwww..my absolute nightmare.....:no:
my other half is under strict instructions...Wake only..
ha ha..thinking of that..last time we were in hospital with the mam..
she gave us instructions..
she says..if I die..I want you to put some money into our community centre..
so all my friends can have some sandwiches and pies..etc..etc..
coz I'd hate them to come to my funeral..and not get something to Eat...
It did gives us a Smile at the time..

With that rant out of the way...guess what???
I found out yesterday my daughter wants to have a b-day party next weekend. Turns 14. She wants a bunch of the girls to spend the night afterwards too. So I need to start planning, like now! Hahaha!

Oh Maaaaan..........I feel sorry for you already....
I hope you have a Hell of a Stash...
you are gonna need it....:smokebuds:
We'll give you a tinkle monday morning..just to make sure you are still alive.
(No JM...you cannot have an invite...jail-bait..

TBM..when we got married...
we only told the two moms...had them as witnesses
took the children out for a chinese meal at the night time..and told them then what we had done...
told our friends after that...None of them believed us.
Forgot every anniversary..except the 1st and the 16th...
(1st because I had a secretary who reminded me..and the 16th because I was trying to remember the 15th..and missed it...

I'm in training now to try to remember the 20th..in 2 years time....
Normally...we get a pressy on the b-days with an 0 on the end...
this year.I was 50..march..
I got Dead excited...
I was gonna get a new I-pad...
released a couple of days after my b-day..
guess what...I'm still Waiting...:no:...
Okay...I'm just a miserable..Old...anti-social...B*stard...
I Like it that way....:dance: