next time he pops up direct him my way.

Will soon as he pops his head up..

I am kind of vain in that I want centerfold quality girls all the time.

Not Vain Bro..just appreciate Quality..that is what you put all the hard work in for...
what we have come to expect from you.

karma sent for a spot cure..:D

Just a thought..does JM not have a self-diagnostic set up in the plant infirmary..?
What is the Posted/average yield on her...?

I don't think i have seen one finished to have an idea.
Well...the write up says 110g-250g outdoor...but i'll beleive that when i see it...i have read somewhere someone got upwards of 3oz off of one indoors and there is a thread on here by 215medicineman (i think), he grew 2 or 3 indoors but i can't remember what he got from them...i'll have a look and get back

No helps if you know who you are directing your spare karma at...:D

yeah...makes it easier :thumbs:

just had a quick butchers and 215medicineman says he had 3 SCH and got justover 2oz dry off each of them (indoors) be honest 6oz would see me for quite a while...specialy with what i get from the bluey and Mi5...planning on another one of each of those when they get chopped as well
Last edited: JM in that area do you know...?

it is odd for him not to be in all day..
If my memory serves me correct I believe JM lives way north of the affected area. Like several states away.
Sorry guys. Not sure. I heard there were tornadoes but just started reading today. WOW, that's ridiculous. I've seen and been in tornadoes all my life and never saw one that looked as big as the one that hit Alabama and some of the other areas. Close but not quite like that. Outside of that a bunch of towns and city schools have been shut down just do to straight line wind damage.
She's been working overtime lately, showing us her power. Still get awestruck when I see the Japanese tsunami footage. So much energy
me too! its hard to believe it can just KEEP COMING like that! lip you could balance books on...
Damn..I hope not....I am allergic to Parties..
I've told the other half...if they want to give me a Birthday Party..
wait til I'm DEAD....
Well have a smoke out instead...
I meant our type of party... the anti-social type! lol
Yup... thats her!

Do you know if JM is from the same area TBM...
it is unusual for him not to have been in before now.

wayyyyy far north of him! but we had some INTENSE t-storms come through in the last few days... remnants o what he got hit with!
I hope that everything is OK FullDuplex...
Prayers for you and your family...
second that and good karma!
right there with ya man... birthdays are for kids to celebrate... once you get older... they become more of an inconvenience... anothjer reason I have to go and pretend I like clebrating myself... lol good grief! lol

Well good luck with you daughter's bday mate! May it be a wonderful one for her... and not to hard on you! lol :)

Do you see where the door knob should be?
Just to give you some size comparison: Now look at your doorknob and slightly above that... that's the height of some of my girls ATM.

Not trying to brag just trying to relate size of these. you see Lil Bee up front, reg. auto. Maxi behind Tall Auto, but not a bunch more bud if you can't get the light in just my opinion.

I'm still very proud of how my girls are doing. I realize just how cramped I got them in there when I take them out to change res. Poor girls and just 1 lil ole 150 HPS to share. and I guess 2 small cfls. Not for long...
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