Aw..I wish I could show you this properly..Black and White bud...just what Bobbys Girl got named for..
(Footie team colours..Newcastle..:D..)

I Thought she was another BG from the balance.

I can see the black leaf rim/ is Hoping....:thumbs:

Morning guys!!! I have made it out of the "war zone" and to a place where i can get some food, electricity, and a warm bath.

As TBM said the Devastation is unimaginable and something from a dream. As we were trying to leave the state yesterday
all gas stations were empty and traffic looked of that from a movie. People were running crazy and homes were lost.
Has to be one of the scariest things i have lived through. I saw one of the twisters on the news here as it was going through the
town that i work in. I watched the monsters cross the lake like they did 2 years ago and wipe out homes that had just been rebuilt
from the last weather we had like this.

My family and i are ok and so is our home. We didnt receive any damage to our home but the others around i cant say the same for.
I was picking up someone else's roof out of my yard yesterday.....and then parts of a char and so on and so forth. Good thing is that it is over now the only thing that is the a major problem is there will be NO power for up to 14 days......i cant imagine that one.

I want to thank you all for the kind words and the Karma that you all have sent this way. It shows me that this is more than a site, its more like a family here that pulls together when there is a time of need. There are not to many on line communities that would even give two shits about another users and his fam.This is not the case here, everyone seems to pull together in a time of need and that is priceless.

I will be hit or miss over the next week or so, i am going out of town and then i hope they have power restored when i return, as my indoor F2's have become outdoor girls.....under the careful watch of caretaker and his land, just glad he has a private lot.
wait dishwashing..
it is starting to appeal a bit more...

thats the spirit!

I will be hit or miss over the next week or so, i am going out of town and then i hope they have power restored when i return, as my indoor F2's have become outdoor girls.....under the careful watch of caretaker and his land, just glad he has a private lot.

glad to hear you and the fam are ok.... lucky to have a backup location... not sure I would here.... god bless and safety karma for you and yours.... and your girls m8!
Unless you have survived a catastrophic event such as this, you may have never had the opportunity to see mankind in it's very best moments. Thanks again to all concerned.

It's true.... Very true. I've seen it from floods we get in my area. Wish you'd see more of it in the day to day grind.

Been watching some of it on the news, i've been down ill the last couple days so i've been out of the loop. It's really hard to grasp the scope of how much got leveled. I don't know what would be worse a hurricane or 100 tornadoes?

Glad your some place safe FD! 14 days no power is crazy! MY wife was in toronto when they went black for a few days or what ever it was. She said bread and gas are like gold bars in times like that!
Stuff like this makes me happy I am a "preparedness" nut. We have a back up water supply... food, generator, ammo. what ever i need. For a few days. My place would be one of the few that had lights on. That's for sure!

Anyways, stay safe mate! We'll hold the fort for you.
My family and i are ok

Great News FD....:thumbs:........stay Safe...

We will all be here when you get back.

It shows me that this is more than a site, its more like a family here that pulls together when there is a time of need.

We Are Family...:D
Thanks for putting my mind at rest everyone...i posted then read back and thought shit...that sounds like i'm ignoring whats been going on and just shouting about my own good fortune...not how it was intended...
This site really is like no other:thumbs:

Glad to see you and yours escaped relatively unscathed FD...hope things get back to normal for you soon mate

How is your it still holding...?

We are having trouble getting out of the doldrums.

It's ok...not like it was last week...chilly winds coming in from the NE (you'd know all about those wiz) and a bit cloudy but nice when the sun breaks thru...hope it picks up for you soon...

should have guessed you were a toon army man wiz...probably shouldn't mention i'm a scouser after we nicked andy carrol off you...rumours abound we're after barton and enrique too in the summer;)
Might have to travel a bit, but I wouldn't mind being your back-up location JM :). I'd house and take care of you and make a place for your ladies.
got to say...Bobbys Girl looks and white do you do it?!?!?!?