Now...That is a Bad Betty that I recognise...

I figured that you would know her, as you called her color before i posted anything about it :bow:
I love how well you know your girls Wiz never ceases to amaze me

That looks like My Favourite..Racey Red Bad Betty...
slight variation on the leaf..
I would pin that as a Red.

I noticed that the fans are different than your red was. The thing about this one though is she was red then she purpled and now shes going back to green?
Im puzzled as shit on this one Wiz.

I had her in nothing but plain compo and was feeding my teas then i had to pot her up as she out grew the cup and i could see the damage starting to form.
After i potted her up the young caylx's are a slight green color. To be honest really i am not suer what is going on with the color of her LOL i cant make sense if it. Ill have to get some good pics for you tonight of the bud and maybe you can tell me what she is doing.

You definitely have the sati leaf stem..stretch.

yep :hump: and bud sets too. I think that you may be right about it being racey, and i am hoping so i need a good morning pot. All the JEMS are couch lock :hot:

I Like her better when she Purples up a bit..but stays Red dom.

this kinda seems to be what is going on. The caylxs are deep red at base and then they purple out towards the ends. Neat to see but ill have to get it in a pic for you.

What Smell...?

my fav skunk's booty hole :drool:
first one in the room this year that has that smell. Got a few beans on it but was focusing on that colored bitch.

Check her over-head against Bailers Purple Kush..
might be wrong..
but it looks like a very similar to me...:thumbs:

Ill have to do that, but she seems to be following the pattern that the red did as she took off to be that stick of a bud. it should be interesting either way. Im really starting to like what i see in the off spring.

OMG...don't tell Know he has a hankering for Vegas...:D

maybe a bit to late at this point, hes gonna know now. :D

Because that will be TWO of us not speaking to you..humph....:(

i know.....but its one more reason for you to come visit over here.:thumbs:
I love how well you know your girls Wiz never ceases to amaze me
Blue-prints on the brain..

I noticed that the fans are different than your red was. The thing about this one though is she was red then she purpled and now shes going back to green?
Im puzzled as shit on this one Wiz
Ha ha and Me both scare the colour outta them...:D

yep :hump: and bud sets too

this kinda seems to be what is going on. The caylxs are deep red at base and then they purple out towards the ends. Neat to see but ill have to get it in a pic for you.

There she is...Red purple tips..

my fav skunk's booty hole

Got 3 red BB males on the patio ATM...don't know what the females are yet..
last time I was all red males..all purple fems..
see what happens...
all around the 20-24 inches

BTW...forgot to ask..leaf colour...?...
seeing any difference..
she likes to yellow out as she ages..
wondering if you have a more limey green yet..
Morning all. Well my computer crashed the other day so I had to get a new one. The luck around my home has been a little shitty these days. I am starting to see a little new growth on my hempy transplants. I will put some photos up when I get better acquainted with my new operating system.

so I was studying my PH balanced diet book..
and it says that clorophyl is very important to human diet..
and I'm thinking..
what is full of clorophyl...mmm...

and I'm stripping the Black Dragon males..ready for pollen collection..
and is a Herb..
and I always wanna Eat nice smelling canna


I kept the Young leaves seperate..
washed them and fried them in butter..same as you would spinach...

Gotta say....yuk...yuk..spit..spit...:no:..
it was bloody awful..ha ha ha...

you couldn't eat them properly because they are hairy and they Stick to your tongue....ak..ak..spit.

Definitely an Aquired taste.
Alternate cooking methods will be investigated..
Thinking they may be nice fake chinese seaweed..

Dog Loved them....:thumbs:
indeed the Maya's know it (and more other other religion too!) somday there secret furmula for the ultimate chocolate cookie Blast will be found according to the profectie some evil force called
La Buena Hierba ( ore aslo know as dart father.)
he will bring the world the ultimate cookie and bring the world too the darkside for once and for all time in 2012 .

\there is no stopping the dark side everybody will love La Buena Hierba Cookie's
(the world is ours for the taking)

oke little update : by the looks how it goos now we will make the end date? 2012!! lots of young poeple joining us too
great new not guy's!!
(movie on new member joining the Darkside!)

so I was studying my PH balanced diet book..
and it says that clorophyl is very important to human diet..
and I'm thinking..
what is full of clorophyl...mmm...

and I'm stripping the Black Dragon males..ready for pollen collection..
and is a Herb..
and I always wanna Eat nice smelling canna


I kept the Young leaves seperate..
washed them and fried them in butter..same as you would spinach...

Gotta say....yuk...yuk..spit..spit...:no:..
it was bloody awful..ha ha ha...

you couldn't eat them properly because they are hairy and they Stick to your tongue....ak..ak..spit.

Definitely an Aquired taste.
Alternate cooking methods will be investigated..
Thinking they may be nice fake chinese seaweed..

Dog Loved them....:thumbs:

What if you made iso hash and shake the leaves and iso longer than usual so it strips the chlorophyll out as well as the resins...
Then cook with it, Maybe that would be a way to eat it without it being so nasty...
I heard some one say Pk!!!! I have some PK!!!! :ama:


Damn stanking bloody things!! Whoa man.. When you brush those babies the air fills with freshness.

I am going to top them soon. I usually do it sooner than this, but i figure i want to yield the hell out of these so i am going to mega bush them. There is little to no stretch, so i plan on filling out my space. :drool:

More pics int he home thread.:smokebuds:
mornin buds! sorry to hear teflon! good comp and grow karma sent... triple X dose!

@wiz and FD... nice to hear the background chatter about bad betty.. will share some photos later.



EDIT: Bailer... you snuck in behind me bro! :) You can drop that hot Kush on my face any day... lol sexy plants!
What if you made iso hash and shake the leaves and iso longer than usual so it strips the chlorophyll out as well as the resins...
Then cook with it, Maybe that would be a way to eat it without it being so nasty...

great idea... any way to seperate the chloro and the hash / alcogol after that? hmmm... gears turnin

I heard some one say Pk!!!! I have some PK!!!! :ama:
Damn stanking bloody things!! Whoa man.. When you brush those babies the air fills with freshness.
I am going to top them soon. I usually do it sooner than this, but i figure i want to yield the hell out of these so i am going to mega bush them. There is little to no stretch, so i plan on filling out my space. :drool:
More pics int he home thread.:smokebuds:

Damn fine looking plants right there m8, and ill have to do an over head tonight to see if they look a like :) wiz seems to think so well have to take a look.
headed over to the home thread to have a look :thumbs: